St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well what a difference in the weather last week we were worrying about sun cream this week we spent science club finding out about the differences between snow and hail. Tuesday’s hail storm was an amazingly long one leaving a covering as if it had snowed. At least the children who went to Whitby had the good weather. As predicted they came back so proud of themselves for having not only survived a residential but really enjoyed it. Thank you to all the staff who gave up their time to make it the wonderful experience it was. They are now well set up for the Year 6 residential at Whitehall in October 3rd – 5th. The staff took lots of photos if you send in a memory stick Mr Warburton will give you copies of them.

The Opera the older children watched on Friday was great, they were all captivated and I know everyone who was in the audience is still singing the songs! They were going through my head all weekend I had just got rid of them when I overheard a child singing one of them!! As well as experiencing opera they also learnt a lot about the space race and explored the moral issues around sending animals into space.

The Tag Rugby team are taking part in the High Peak Final on Friday afternoon so good luck to them. We also need to thank Glossop Rugby Club who are coming into school today to give the squad some extra coaching ahead of the final.

There is no Science Club next Tuesday 3rd May as all the staff are on a training course after school, sorry about this I know the children love it.

The Year 5s have a very busy week next week. They have been invited to Philip Howard to take part in an Art lesson on Wednesday morning. We will walk from school. On Friday morning they are invited to Glossopdale for the visit which was cancelled due to snow.

On Friday 6th May Peregrines will be leading our assembly, do join us if you can.

Yesterday Miss Byron and Mrs Clayton were presenting their work at a conference in Derby. Due to the work they have done with the rest of the staff the school has been awarded Attachment Aware School Status the award says we are a safe space, a nurturing learning community.

I have some sad news Joan Heapy is retiring on Friday 13th May after working in the kitchen at St Luke’s for 37 years. I have promised her we won’t make a big fuss but an achievement like that needs to be marked. If anyone would like to contribute towards her leaving present please send it in a marked envelope to the office by Friday 6th May.

Alice Littlehailes