St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

Well it seems summer has finally arrived with a bang. The children all did very well through the intense heat earlier this week.

Thank you all for your textile donations there seemed to be a big pile of bags on Monday.

Huge congratulations to the children in Year 5 & 6 for their production. The quality of acting, singing and heat management was fabulous.  The new stage lighting added an extra dimension to their work.

Some of the Year 4s are out at cyclo cross this afternoon. I am sure they will have a fantastic time.

This Friday the Harriers are leading our assembly do join us if you can.

Friday is also non uniform day and disco day. The children are invited to come to school in practical non uniform, all we ask is that they bring a bottle for the PTA.  The disco starts at 5pm and finishes at 6.30.  It costs £1

Next Monday is move up morning when the children work with their teacher for next year.

Tuesday 26th is our last day.  As is traditional the Year 6 will be leading the assembly, they then will have leavers lunch with some of the staff – if any of the children are on packed lunches and would like a dinner that day please just let us know. A dinner costs £2. In the evening they are going out to tea with us meeting at 5pm at The Pico Lounge.  I wish all of those children leaving us well as they take their next step.

I am attaching some information about Pokemon Go produced by the safeguarding team at Derbyshire. I found it very interesting.

There are lots of summer activities for the children around and about. I look forward to hearing all about what they have been doing especially the Library Reading Challenge.

We have a number of bikes and scooters left in school. Keith has asked that they are picked up before the end of term.

I hope you all have a lovely summer and we will see you on September 5th.

Alice Littlehailes