Dear Parents,

Just like the Paralympic team we have been showered with Golds! The school has been awarded Gold Gamesmark for the amount of sport we do and Gold Artsmark for our commitment to the teaching of The Arts. To add to this the kitchen has been awarded Gold by the catering department for their work I am so proud of the school for these massive achievements.

Clubs have restarted this week and a record number of children have been able to access an extracurricular activity after school or at lunchtime.

Next week is a busy week:

Tuesday 20th Y6 are going to St Philip Howard for three and a half hours of activities.  St Philip Howard School is very kindly providing lunch for them all.

Also on Tuesday, yes the Y6 will be back in time, a theatre company is performing Wind in The Willows to all the classes.

As if Tuesday wasn’t already jam packed at 6pm we have a meeting for the parents of children going to Whitehall.

Wednesday 21st the Y2s start swimming.  They are meeting at the pool at 8.45.  This is a brand new opportunity we have been offered.

Thursday 22nd Y6 start swimming.

Friday 23rd is our Harvest Festival.  This year we are collecting for Bear Necessities, Glossop Food bank.  We are asking the children to bring in non-perishable food such as tinned soup, tinned vegetables, sweetcorn, tinned potatoes, custard, rice pudding, cereal, long life milk, pasta, pasta sauces, tinned fish, meats of all kind, spaghetti and baked beans. Please join us for the service at St Luke’s Church at around 9.20.

Also on Friday is the PTA Scoot and Skate straight after school.

The choir are singing as part of the Harvest Festival in St Luke’s Church on Sunday 24th.  They need to be at Church for 9.45 in uniform.

Glossop Jog is fast approaching if your child would like to take part, or you would, please let the office know.

Someone has lost a two tone blue hooded sweatshirt jacket, rebel label, age 8 please could you have a look at home just in case it has made it to your house.

Toast starts tomorrow. For those that don’t know the children bring in 20p and get a Friday treat of toast.  Some of the younger children gave in 20p last week this will be carried over.  Thank you to all the parents that help cook the toast.

Alice Littlehailes