St Luke’s Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our sports teams that have competed over the last week. The Girls football team played well and came fourth. The cross country team did amazingly well and came first. This Friday the girls in Y3&4 have been invited to a football festival where they will have the chance to try out some of the skills involved in the game.
It is big write week this week and school has been full of scrap metal and robots as the children all write in response to a picture. I cannot wait to read their work.
A new station has been opened in Kestrels and Peregrines with a wonderful café. The service is very hands on but like lots of train services it can be difficult to get a seat. I am reliably informed that the trains go to Manchester and Blackpool.
With huge excitement we have awarded the first of this year’s Super Student Badges. We award badges to our pupils for being just that super students. For showing good learning behaviour, contributing in class always trying to do their best and being all round super. They get their bronze first then work towards their silver and then gold. We ask that they wear their badge every day, take care of it and give it back when they earn their next one. They can keep the badge they are on at the end of the school year. We try not to award loads at a time as this stops them being special so do not worry if your child has not got one instantly it does not mean they are not doing well.
I have received a number of complaints about cars blocking the road whilst parents bring their children into school. Please can everyone be considerate at drop off and pick up time. Hopefully it will not be a problem next week as it is Walk to School Week when we encourage as many people as possible to walk at least part of the way to school. I do hope you are able to support this initiative.
Due to Parents Evenings and other staff commitments lots of the school led clubs will have to be cancelled next week. ICT, PAS and Gymnastics will be on but the rest of them are cancelled.
On Friday 14th The Peregrine’s will be leading our assembly first thing, please join us if you can.
Remember the disco is on Friday. Get your dancing shoes on and come and enjoy.
Alice Littlehailes