Dear Parents,
Just a short newsletter this week as it is all about the Fair! Yes, the much anticipated Christmas Fair is tomorrow.

Please come along at 5.30 – 7.30. Hand your quiz sheets in, buy your raffle tickets, and get thoroughly Christmassy.

Also tomorrow, the Harriers will be leading our Assembly; please join us if you can.

Yesterday the children produced some amazing, thought provoking Christmas trees in their houses. The Fair is a great time to see them.

Next week is the last week of after school clubs.

If your child would like to join in our Christmas dinner on Thursday 15 December, do let the office know.

If you haven’t yet sent in a request for tickets to see your child’s play (Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys), they are going like hot cakes.

See you at the Fair.

Alice Littlehailes