St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow what a great turn out at the Glossop Jog despite the miserable weather. Thank you so much to everyone who took part. It is now time to collect all your sponsor money in and return it to school. If you don’t know how many laps your child did the office has the list.

The library visits were very successful and lots of the children now want to join the library, it is a great place to go and get books to read for free.

The Year 5s had a great day out at the People’s Museum in Manchester, I will be honest I hadn’t known much about it before but what a great museum. The children found out about the Peterloo Massacre and looked at different perspectives on what happened.

The Merlins are having a great time at Whitehall. The reports are all happy and all asleep by 10.30 – I think that just might be a record!

Remember it is the PTA AGM tonight 7pm at the Cricket Club. Please come if you can.

The Eagles are leading our assembly on Friday 11th do join us if you can. Peregrines will be leading assembly on Friday 18th October.

The PTA disco is on Friday 18th October.

We are sending home information from The Book People about how you can get cheap books and support school – win, win I feel.

As part of the celebrate artsmark week this week the film The Mighty Creatives made about our school has been launched. It can be found at

As you will have seen on the dates we have decided to trial holding Parents Evening on just one day as more and more of you are asking for later appointments. The evening will be on Wednesday 23rd October. Once we have the slips in we plan family appointments so there are no clashes or long gaps. Please remember that appointments are 10 minute appointments, if you need longer than this you will need to make a separate appointment to see the class teacher at another time. Taking more than ten minutes causes problems for other parents. I am attaching a letter with an appointment slip. Please tick as many boxes as possible. As well as sending a copy home.

Dark Peak Music is running fun interactive music classes at St Luke’s for children ages 6-9 5.30-6.30 on Tuesdays. If you think your child might be interested email or ring 01457 853137


Alice Littlehailes