Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good week last week. The drier weather is making everyone feel better.

Tomorrow all of Key Stage Two will be out of school on their trip to Bramall Hall. The children need to remember to bring packed lunches.

There will be no family assembly tomorrow.

Next week is a very busy week:
the Year 5s are going to Whitby for a residential. Remember the coach leaves at 8.30am.
Joyce Ellis (director of Kinder Children’s Choir) is coming into school to run a choir workshop.
The Ospreys are going to Glossopdale School for a dance workshop in the afternoon.
It is Messy Church after school.
The Year 5s return from Whitby
It is World Book Day. Bay Tree Books are coming into school to run a book stall where the children can use the voucher they will have been given towards a book. They have agreed to run the stall from 8.30 so parents can look at books with their children.
The Merlins are leading our family assembly, because of the above this will be at 2.45. The change of day is because of…..
INSET Day. School is closed for the children.

The following Friday 15th March it is Red Nose Day. The Charities Department have asked that everyone comes in their Pyjamas!!!!!

I have been asked to tell you about a wonderful sounding concert on Sunday 3rd March 3pm Glossop Parish Church. It is called Tales in Music and includes ‘Peter and The Wolf’. This should be a really good family friendly concert. Tickets are available from Baytree Books or Peak of Health.

It is Fairtrade Fortnight at the moment. Remember to bring in your items for the Fairtrade Magazine.

During Fairtrade Fortnight Glossop shops are going topsy-turvy for Fairtrade
Can you spot the items which are out-of-place
Clue: Look for the Fairtrade Zone logo
Clue: Look along the High Street from Shrewsbury Street to Norfolk Square (don’t forget the side roads e.g. George Street)

Find all items and enter the Prize Draw
Pick up an Entry form at the Co-op, the Library
or Bay Tree Books during Fairtrade Fortnight
Closing date Friday 15th March

I hope the children are all learning their poems. Some, I know, can already say every word.

Alice Littlehailes