Dear Parents,
As ever this week has been busy, busy, busy in school. The older children have been immersed in all things Tudor. They are loving finding out about this period in History. Henry VIII is proving to be a big hit despite his ‘behavioural difficulties’. The younger children have been exploring all things castley. I understand Cinderella, her sister and a prince came to visit school. The children showed real care and concern for Cinderella offering to give her the clothes they had grown out of and even offering her a bed in their house. Everyone has been polishing their poems ready for performances this afternoon.

Kites have been preparing an assembly for this Friday we hope you can join us.

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day, the children are very excited about coming in their pyjamas and making maltesers fly.

It is disco night tomorrow Key Stage One superheros at 4.45-5.45 Key Stage Two 6-7.

ICT club has now finished until after Easter. Other school led clubs will be on next week but not on the week beginning 25th March due to Parents Evenings. Letters about Parents Evenings came home this week if you haven’t had one come into the office to ask. Please note the days are Monday and Wednesday this time due to finishing for Easter on Thursday 28th.

The raffle tickets to win One Direction Tickets and other wonderful prizes are going really well. If you need more just ask. Remember all ticket stubs need to be back in school by 20th March. The raffle will be pulled as part of the Easter Afternoon tea on Friday 22nd March. On that afternoon you are invited to join us for afternoon tea and cake. The children will also get a drink and a cake for £1. This is one of our big school fundraisers.

You should have had a flyer about a Family British Sign Language taster course on Thursday 21st March here 3.30-5pm. This is an opportunity for you and your children to learn a new skill together. If you are interested please let the office know by Monday 18th.

Wednesday 20th is Bag 2 School collection day. You send in your old shoes, bags and textiles they collect them and send us a cheque. We received £140 yesterday for the last collection.

If you haven’t yet registered to be part of Derbyshire’s Big Deals yet do. It is a way of trying to reduce everyone’s fuel bills. Just go to or phone 01629 533365 to find out more.

Derbyshire needs more foster carers and adoptive parents. If you might be interested in finding out more about this vital work call 0800 08377 44 or go to

There are a lot of items of lost property in the spare classroom, if your child has mislaid anything do look there, or send them to look there.

Finally Parents are not permitted to use the staff car park at the beginning and end of the school day. A few parents are putting everyone’s children’s safety at risk by ignoring this rule, please park off site.

Alice Littlehailes