

Dear Parents,

Welcome back after the Easter Holiday. I hope you all had a good one. The children have returned refreshed and recharged. This is a busy half term it is the one in which National Tests are taken. The Year 6s will sit a number of SATs papers in the week of 13th May. The results of these and the teacher’s assessments of where the children are at will be used by their next school to inform their future learning. The children in Years 3-5 will also be taking some tests that week so they can experience what it is like and it isn’t such a shock to them in Year 6. These tests are not accurate assessments of attainment and so we just use them to help the teacher’s make judgements about what the children need to learn next. The Year 2s take part in formal national assessments, across this term, that are a mixture of tasks done with the teachers, tests set nationally and an assessment of all the work done recently. Our aim is for the Year 2 pupils to not even realise this is happening. The children should just feel they are working as normal in school. If you have any questions or queries about these assessments do not hesitate to ask us. Please do not put lots of pressure on your child about these assessments as this can just cause them anxiety.

I have been fascinated recently by the Channel 4 series Bedtime Live about sleep, I don’t know if you caught any of it. Alongside helping families retrain their children to be good sleepers they explored the research about sleep. This week they carried out an experiment in a school to test the effects of sleep deprivation on memory and ability to work in school. The children who had a nap, so were less sleep deprived performed about 50% better than the rest of the children. Across the series the children reported using electronic gadgets such as games consoles, phones, tablets and televisions into the night rather than sleeping. The latest research recommends children of Primary school age should be sleeping for around 10-12 hours a night, more for the younger children.

Friday Toast starts again this week bring in your 20p for the treat of toast. Thank you to all the parents who help cook the toast on a Friday morning. If you could help out with toast making more volunteers are always needed.

Cookery Club for the second group in on this week 19th April, and next 26th April.

Swimming starts next Thursday 25th April for Kites Class.

On Friday 26th April the Merlins are going to have some first aid training so long hair will need to be tied back and I would recommend they wear trousers or thick tights as it will be a practical session.

Ann Tracy has some spaces for beginner Gymnasts in her Friday session, 3.30 – 4.30 in school, if your child is interested in trying out gymnastics do phone her on 07855439693. You never know we might have the next Louis Smith or Beth Tweddle in school.

Alice Littlehailes