

Dear Parents,

I have been very impressed with all the children this week. Assessment week is nobody’s idea of a really good time but all the children have approached it calmly and confidently. So well done to all of them.

Tomorrow 17th May the Peregrines will be leading our assembly, do join us if you can. There will be no family assembly next Friday 24th as we will be holding a celebration assembly in the afternoon. This is an opportunity to share some of the work the children have been doing as part of our Take One Picture week. Do join us at 2pm if you can. Unfortunately, unlike last year, I don’t think we will be sitting on the grass outside for it. Due to all the amazing different things we will be doing during the week the children will do lots of reading but may not be heard read individually. Their books will be changed though.

The Year 2s received some very exciting news this week, a film they made was entered into the Thank You Film Awards and has been shortlisted. They have been invited to attend an awards ceremony in Birmingham where they will see some of their film on the big screen! Well done to all of them.

Next week is the children’s favourite school meals week.
Monday: Salmon bites or Pizza
Tuesday: Sausages (meat and veggie) and Yorkshire
Wednesday: Roast Chicken Dinner or Vegetable Wrap
Thursday: Curry or Quorn Dippers
Friday: Fish Fingers or Tomato and Basil Pasta
As these dinners are so popular Mrs Howe, the school cook, has extended an invitation to the children on packed lunches to have a school dinner on any or all of the days next week. The cost for a dinner is £1.90 (£9.50) for the week. Please let the office know if your child would like a dinner.

We have almost finalised the classes for next year, I say almost because things could still change. Next year we will have seven classes
Reception: Mrs Hillier
Year 1: Mrs Morris & Mrs Littlehailes
Year 2: Mrs Clayton
Year 3: Mr Montgomery
Year 4: Ms Lee & Mrs McLaren
Year 5: Mrs Malkin
Year 6: Miss Byron
Mrs Gallacher will work across the school.

The staff will continue to work very closely together between classes so the children retain the benefits of working in mixed age groups.

Please can the Kestrels and Peregrines bring in a hat next week. I am not sure why but something exciting must be happening.

I look forward to seeing lots of you looking very relaxed at Pamper Night tomorrow.

Alice Littlehailes