Dear Parents,

This week has seen lots of mini beasts in school. I have seen insect poems, insect maths, insect pictures and scientific exploration of insects. Speaking of which there have been a number of reports of headlice putting in an appearance. Please be extra vigilant and check your families heads.

The oldest children have been doing some wonderful presentations about being shipwrecked. The amount of work they have put in at home to make these the best they can be is a credit to them and you.

Sports Day on Tuesday was a great success. The children enjoyed it. I was particularly impressed by how supportive of each other the children were. They celebrated each other’s successes and encouraged everyone. Thank you to everyone who was there for helping with the clear up at the end.

Next week is our big Key Stage Two production of Joseph. The children have worked so hard on it and it is looking good. On the Tuesday and Thursday evenings please can the children in Kites, Eagles and Merlins be back at school for 5.30 to get changed. I need to let you know that any filming of the performances will not be allowed. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s company are very strict about licenses. There will be opportunities at the end to take photographs of the children in costume against the wonderful backdrop.

The children in Eagles are taking part in a singing event at Glossopdale School Hadfield Site on Tuesday next week. They are meeting at Hadfield Reception 9.15. They will be singing with other primary schools in the area.

If you have a child who enjoys singing, as most of our children do, and are looking for a summer activity there is a summer singing school at Tideswell (about half an hour away) Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th July 9.30-3.30. The cost of this is £35. More information is available from Derbyshire’s music service 01629 532850

Friday 19th is a non-uniform day. For the privilege of wearing their own, practical, clothes all we ask is that they bring something in a bottle.

The Year Six leavers do is on Friday 19th 5-6.30. I have not been told exactly what it will entail just that we all need to be wearing our glad rags.

Everyone will be able to celebrate the end of another successful school year on Monday 22nd July when the PTA have organised a disco. There will be one disco for all the children 5-6.30.

Alice Littlehailes