Dear Parents,
It feels very strange to be writing the last newsletter of this school year, it doesn’t seem five minutes ago I was welcoming you all back from the summer. What a year it has been so many things learnt, experienced and, sometimes, survived. The children have been fantastic, hardworking, up for everything and a delight to be with. As the Year Sixes contemplate the move to Secondary School we all wish them well and look forward to hearing how well they have done.

This week has seen a flurry of baking and making and singing and spotting! In amongst all the end of term excitement some poor children have come down with chicken pox. I hope they all feel better soon. The older children’s production of Joseph has been a triumph playing to packed, hot, appreciative audiences. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this. Eagles Class went up to Glossopdale on Tuesday to join with other schools and sing. The sound they all made was fabulous. They also got to listen to Glossopdale choir and band to hear what they could be doing in the future. All the classes are still working hard and getting lots of things done.

It is non-uniform day tomorrow so children can come in casual clothes and bring a bottle. It is also the last toast Friday of the year.

Annual Reports should be coming home tomorrow so if you don’t get one do ask us.

Friday is the Year Sixes leavers party. They will be coming back to school for 5pm with their glad rags on.

Monday evening sees the PTA school summer disco 5-6.30pm.

On Tuesday the Year Six will lead an assembly to mark the end of their time with us. Tuesday is the last day of term, we finish at normal time.

The children start back on Wednesday 4th September (New Reception Monday 9th September). Dinner money for next term has gone up to £1.95 a day, £9.75 a week. The total for the half term is £72.15 (New Reception £66.30).

If you are still looking for the perfect summer activity I have been told about a few more. For budding film stars and film makers there is a movie project in Glossop 5th – 9th August for children 8-11 years old. Leaflets are in the entrance hall.

Glossop Pyegrove Tennis Club is offering a weeks course 5th – 9th August 10-11. If your child fancies being the next Andy Murray this is the one for them. Again leaflets are in the entrance hall.

Glossop Cricket Club are running a summer school 5th – 8th August 10-3, Y3 up.

Thank you all for the support you have given to the children, the school and the staff this year, it means a lot to all of us.

I hope you all have a lovely summer.
Alice Littlehailes