Dear Parents,

We have had typical walk to school week weather this week! Well done to everyone who braved the rain and walked all or some of the way to school.

Other highlights since the last newsletter have included;
challenge afternoon. The children worked so well in their houses to create countries, solve codes, choreograph dances, build towers and many other things. Everyone commented on the cooperation in evidence and the leadership skills shown by the older children.
The PTA disco. This was a sparkling affair attended by most of the school. Everyone glittered and glammed and a good time was had by all.
Bikability. The older children braved the wind and rain to learn how to ride safely. They complete their training on the first Monday back after half term 4th November (remember your bikes!).
I am sure the Year Twos will have had a fantastic time at Glossopdale doing sports this afternoon.

Tomorrow 25th October is an INSET day when school is closed for staff training and next week is half term so we will see the children again on 4th November.

That first week back is a busy one we have got;
Bikability on the Monday 4th.
ICT club starts Monday 4th.
The Year Sixes off on residential to Edale – Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th.
Messy Church Wednesday 6th.
PTA meeting 7.30 at Glossop Cricket Club Wednesday 6th.
Kestrel’s and Peregrine’s assembly on Friday 8th.

I hope you all have a happy and safe half term. If your children are going out trick or treating can I remind you of the Police advice that they do not go unaccompanied, they only go to houses of people they know and that they respect others in the community by not knocking on doors of houses without lights or welcoming signs. Many older or vulnerable people in the community find trick or treating worrying and none of us would want to add to their anxiety levels. If you are having, or going to, a bonfire with fireworks please follow the firework code.

We have Remembrance Day Poppies in school which will be available for a donation the first week back.

There is a new school meals menu starting after half term which should have come home today. However the first week back is an extra special school meals week.
Monday Burger – cheese or quorn
Tuesday Sausages – baked or quorn
Wednesday Roast dinner or pasta bake
Thursday Bolognaise or sweet and sour quorn
Friday Fish fingers or cheese and tomato wrap
Every day there is the option of jacket potato.

The cancelled cookery taster session for Key Stage Two children and there parents has been rearranged for Wednesday 6th November. Phone 01457 852245 to book a place.

Alice Littlehailes