St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I hope you all had a lovely half term.  I know lots of you took advantage of the extra days to take a cheaper, and often sunnier holiday.  I am so pleased as this is one of the reasons I plan those extra days into the calendar.

If your child hasn’t brought back in their half term challenge Big Glossop Dig finds yet please can they do as soon as possible.

We have a busy half term coming up with lots planned including:

A chance for you to come in with your child at the end of the day today to look at their work – do not worry if you can’t make it as work will be coming home at the end of the year.

KS1 trip to the Halle next week.

Classes leading collective worship, next Friday it is Osprey’s turn.

Bag 2 School 26th June

PTA summer Fair 27th June

New Parent’s meeting 29th June 6pm

Y4 trip to play with The Halle 4th July

Induction visits for Y6

Y3 trip 7th July

PTA Treasure Trail 8th July

Y5 & 6 production 10th & 11th July

Summer Concert 18th July

PTA disco 19th July

Y6 leaver’s Party 21st July


I have been asked about Sports Day.  Like last year this is going to be held within school with no visitors.  I know some of you will be disappointed and some of you will be relieved.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes