Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed half term. I know the children have come back raring and ready to go. Mrs Hukin had a very busy half term – she gave birth to Ebony Rose Hukin on Sunday 27th October. I know everyone will be delighted for her and her husband.

We are pleased to welcome Ms Lee, Miss O’Sullivan and Miss Roberts into our school. They are training to be teachers and will be working with us up to Christmas.

Well done to all the bikability students, everyone passed their level two.

The Year Sixes are in Edale at the moment. They have arrived safely and are having a great time.

The older children are starting to look at food and farming in World War II. I can feel rationing coming on. To support this work the children are going to Tatton Park. If you haven’t yet sent back their permission slip yet please do so as soon as possible. Without this we cannot take the children.

Last night there was a good PTA meeting to plan the Christmas Fair, 5.30 Friday 6th December, and look at future events. They are planning more discos, a scoot and skate session, a wine and quiz night, the Easter raffle and a grand summer Saturday. If you were unable to make the meeting but would like to get more involved in the valuable work of the PTA please approach a member of the PTA or come into the office.

You should have received the proof copy of your child’s / children’s photos this week. If you would like to purchase their picture please bring the order form and money into school by Friday 15th November. Orders that come in after the collection date will have to pay for post and packing.

The Kestrels and Peregrines are leading our assembly tomorrow and Ospreys on Friday 15th. Do join us if you can.

Exciting news on Friday 13th December the whole school is going to attend a live orchestral performance of seasonal music including The Snowman film with live music. As this is being staged at Glossopdale all we will be asking for is a contribution of the cost of the ticket £5, there will be no transport costs hooray!! (No need to send in contributions yet, a letter will follow.) We will then come back to school for Christmas Dinner. A day full of fun and excitement. I know there have been a number of requests for contributions recently and I apologise for that but this seemed like too good an opportunity to turn down.

Can I remind you that bikes and scooters are not to be ridden inside the school grounds but to be pushed. There have been a number of near misses and we want everyone to be safe.

Glossop Jog money is almost all in if you still have some to send in please do so ASAP.
Alice Littlehailes