Dear Parents,
All the events at the end of last week were a triumph. The footballers played really well and did not loose a match. Thank you to Mr Dunkerley who manages the team so well. The Tatton Park trips were both enjoyable and inspiring, the children learned a lot. The sleep over was enjoyed by everyone and the children who had felt nervous before it are so proud of themselves for having done it. We cooked, made, played, stargazed, sang and even slept! Thank you to all the staff that made that possible.

Tomorrow is non uniform day for donations towards the Christmas Fair. The fair is on Friday 6th December and is looking like being a fantastic one. I hope to see you all there. I know the children are already getting excited about it.

Tomorrow Kites Class will be leading our assembly and on Friday 6th it will be led by Harriers.

On Friday all the Monday and Friday Gymnasts will be joining together to put on a display for us all at 3pm. Anyone who would like to come along and watch this performance would be more than welcome.

On Saturday 30th November it is Glossop Lights Switch on. As part of the celebrations our children have made a sculpture and the choir is performing. Please can the choir members meet at 6.15 at ‘The North Pole’ the admin point in Norfolk Square.

The Kites were going to go to Glossopdale on Wednesday for a dance workshop this has been postponed to next Wednesday 4th December.

Next Thursday 5th December is the last swim of this term.

If you have not yet returned your child’s slip about ‘The Snowman’ please do so as soon as possible.

If your child usually has sandwiches on a Friday and would like to join in the fun of Christmas Dinner on Friday 13th December please let us know as soon as possible as the kitchen needs to order the food.

The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys will be performing our Christmas play on Tuesday 10th 5.30, Wednesday 11th 2pm and Thursday 12th 5.30. Please return ticket request forms so we can ensure everyone who wants to watch can.

There will be no Key Stage One Club on Monday 2nd December.

Alice Littlehailes

Dear Parents,
All the events at the end of last week were a triumph. The footballers played really well and did not loose a match. Thank you to Mr Dunkerley who manages the team so well. The Tatton Park trips were both enjoyable and inspiring, the children learned a lot. The sleep over was enjoyed by everyone and the children who had felt nervous before it are so proud of themselves for having done it. We cooked, made, played, stargazed, sang and even slept! Thank you to all the staff that made that possible.

Tomorrow is non uniform day for donations towards the Christmas Fair. The fair is on Friday 6th December and is looking like being a fantastic one. I hope to see you all there. I know the children are already getting excited about it.

Tomorrow Kites Class will be leading our assembly and on Friday 6th it will be led by Harriers.

On Friday all the Monday and Friday Gymnasts will be joining together to put on a display for us all at 3pm. Anyone who would like to come along and watch this performance would be more than welcome.

On Saturday 30th November it is Glossop Lights Switch on. As part of the celebrations our children have made a sculpture and the choir is performing. Please can the choir members meet at 6.15 at ‘The North Pole’ the admin point in Norfolk Square.

The Kites were going to go to Glossopdale on Wednesday for a dance workshop this has been postponed to next Wednesday 4th December.

Next Thursday 5th December is the last swim of this term.

If you have not yet returned your child’s slip about ‘The Snowman’ please do so as soon as possible.

If your child usually has sandwiches on a Friday and would like to join in the fun of Christmas Dinner on Friday 13th December please let us know as soon as possible as the kitchen needs to order the food.

The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys will be performing our Christmas play on Tuesday 10th 5.30, Wednesday 11th 2pm and Thursday 12th 5.30. Please return ticket request forms so we can ensure everyone who wants to watch can.

There will be no Key Stage One Club on Monday 2nd December.

Alice Littlehailes