Dear Parents,
It has been another busy but worthwhile week. The children accepted the challenge in their houses to make a Christmas tree on the theme of ‘recycled’. Every tree is really different and every tree is amazing. If you haven’t had chance to see the trees yet they are all on display in the hall.

The Christmas Fair was another triumph, thank you to all the people who helped at it or supported it. The building was full of happy people enjoying spending time together in school. The choir sang beautifully. As soon as I know how much we raised I will let you know.

The Christmas play will have it’s third and final performance tonight. The children have worked hard to learn the songs and their lines. It is so nice to see every child in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys performing the part they wanted. It always amazes me how the staff adapt the production to accommodate all those children’s different wishes. They let the dancers dance, the singers sing and the budding thespians act. Those who like to stand out are given a chance to and those who prefer to perform as part of a group are allowed that relative anonymity. As well as all this they challenge all the children to do a little bit more than they thought they could do. Thank you to all the staff who make this possible.

Tomorrow we are all off to Glossopdale for a musical treat and then we will come back to school for Christmas Dinner.

On Sunday the choir are performing at The Big Sing at St Luke’s Church. It starts at 3, please can the children be there by ten to so we can seat them together.

Next week is another busy week with parties and performances aplenty. There is no swimming or clarinet though. The parties are Tuesday Kites and Harriers, Wednesday Eagles and Merlins, Thursday Ospreys, Peregrines and Kestrels. Children can come in their own clothes or bring party clothes to change into.

On Wednesday the School Orchestra and the Flute players are going to perform in assembly, just after 9am. Any parent who would like to come along is more than welcome. As they need to be performance ready Katherine Elliott has asked that the orchestra children are in school ready to rehearse at 8.15 on Monday.

On Thursday the choir are singing at The Central Methodist Church at 10am. It would be lovely to have an audience.

Friday is one of my favourite events of the year our Carol Service at St Luke’s Church. It starts when we can get all the children across from school, so about 9.20am. I know lots of you will want to join us for this. The PTA will be providing refreshments for you after the service.

We finish at normal time on Friday 20th. Apart from the choir who have one more booking on Sunday 22nd at St Luke’s Church Carols by Candlelight Service. Please meet there at 6.20.

School restarts on Monday 6th January. School clubs restart the week beginning 13th January. PAS and Gymnastics will contact you to let you know when they restart.

Remember we have an INSET day on 17th January when school is closed to the children.
Alice Littlehailes