Dear Parents,
On behalf of the children can I thank you for supporting us going to The Nutcracker and Snowman performance last Friday, it was fabulous. The children were all engaged from the first note to the last. The number of children who said they wanted to play an instrument like that was heart-warming.

We also had our own concert yesterday. The School Orchestra made their debut performance and the flute group also entertained. It takes a huge amount of courage to get up and play, especially in front of friends and family. We were proud of every one of them.

The school Christmas dinner was delicious and a great social event. Our thanks go out to all the kitchen staff who worked so hard to cook such a lovely meal. I always enjoy seeing all the school eating together as the big family we are.

On Monday Tom Rank our chair of governors and IT club guru came in to lead the children in an hour of coding. This is a project set up by google to help children get more involved in writing computer code. The children did really well and enjoyed the event. Not only that but we might win some Raspberry Pis for school! As ever thank you to him for all he does for the school.

It is our school Carol Service at St Luke’s Church tomorrow at 9.20ish. In rehearsal it is sounding really good. If you feel like coming along for a good sing and the chance to feel properly Christmassy we would love to see you there.

We finish at normal time tomorrow Friday 20th. Apart from the choir who have one more booking on Sunday 22nd at St Luke’s Church Carols by Candlelight Service. Please meet there at 6.20.

School restarts on Monday 6th January. School clubs restart the week beginning 13th January. PAS and Gymnastics will contact you to let you know when they restart.

Miss Nicholls will be taking over from Mrs Morris but she is unable to start full time until February. She will be in teaching the children on Fridays for the next half term. I am not yet sure who will be teaching the children Monday to Thursday up to February because I am determined they will have a good teacher. If I cannot find someone good enough I will teach the class.

Remember we have an INSET day on 17th January when school is closed to the children.

Dinner money up to next half term is £56.55. (£124.80 to Easter, £118.95 for Eagles who are going to Whitby in April.)

I hope you all have a happy festive season and that each and every one of you gets some time across the holiday period to recharge your batteries. I am looking forward to sharing a good 2014 with you and your children.

Alice Littlehailes