
Dear Parents,

The writing buzz around school has been fantastic. The children are really enjoying our new theme of open the cover. We have also started a new Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning topic Getting On and Falling Out. This looks at how we can manage those difficult times when we argue with our friends. I hope the children have been giving you lots of ‘Friendship Tokens’. These are the little things that make us feel good such as a smile, a kind comment or an unsolicited helpful act. Since we have been focusing in on these friendship tokens I have noticed how kind and supportive all our children are to each other. Even those who are quick to loose their temper are most of the time incredibly kind to the rest of the school community.

The story sacks course, despite lots of people telling us they wanted to come, was short of participants. We need at least two more parents to come to enable it to continue. Story sacks are a great way of sharing books with your child. If you might be interested please let the office know.

Remember it is an INSET day tomorrow when school is not open to the children.

ICT club restarts on Monday. PAS restarts on Tuesday.

There unfortunately will be no running club on Thursday 23rd January.

The next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 22nd January at the cricket club. Please try and come as all the parents are part of the PTA and everyone’s input is warmly welcomed. If you would like to come but have never been to a PTA meeting and are feeling a little unsure about it pop in to see me and I can make sure you don’t have to go into a room alone (I still hate doing that despite having had to do it loads of times).

On Tuesday 28th January at 2pm the Harriers are putting on a concert to celebrate how well they are doing on the clarinet. Anyone who would like to come is very welcome.

The scooter that was taken home in error last week has still not turned up. Please check your child’s scooter to make sure you have the right one.

Alice Littlehailes