Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good half term. It is lovely to see all the children back recharged and ready to learn.

House verse speaking was fantastic all the children spoke so well. Mrs Whetstone who was the judge was rightly very impressed by our children. Every year they seem to get better at choral speaking.

Mr Montgomery is still not able to return to work so Kites will be taught by Mrs McLaren and Harriers by Ms Lee. We are very lucky to have such good teachers willing to ensure continuity for the children. I cannot thank them enough for what they are doing.

The Year 5 trip to Whitby is fast approaching. There is a parents meeting tonight at 6pm to talk about final arrangements and paperwork.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a fair trade poster, they were all so detailed. Two of our children have had their work short listed by the Fairtrade Group, well done to Holly Griffiths-Jones and Josh Mizon. Their work is on display in the library until 9th March. Library visitors are being asked to help choose a winning poster by voting for their favourite so do go along and support their work.

Good luck to our girls football team who are playing this Friday in the last of their tournaments.

We have a busy week next week:

World book day is on Thursday 6th. Children are invited to come to school as a character from a book.

The Year 5s have been invited to Glossopdale on Friday 7th for a morning of activities. They are meeting there at 9.15. This is a great opportunity to find out a little more about what secondary school feels like.

Year 4s are leading our assembly on Friday 7th at 9am please do join us.

I have been asked to let you know about a community event:

The Big Brew – Thursday 6 March
St Luke’s Church back room
Everybody Welcome
Come and enjoy a Fairtrade cuppa, chat and some cake. Tradecraft products (fighting poverty through trade) will also be on sale.

Alice Littlehailes