
Dear Parents,

Last week was an unusual week with lots of learning taking place outside normal lessons. All of Key Stage Two went to the Bridgewater Hall to experience The Halle Orchestra. Despite the traffic in and out of Glossop being terrible, we made it there with 2 minutes to spare, everyone had a fantastic time. They all added to their musical and cultural learning.

Friday was Sport Relief Day. The children were learning about Personal and Social Education including citizenship plus PE. As if that wasn’t enough they raised over £180 for this worthwhile charity.

Remember the choir are singing at New Mills Town Hall on Saturday 5th April. Parents of choir children if you haven’t sent back the letter to let us know whether your child can sing or not, please could you.

Kestrels will be leading our assembly on Friday 28th March. Please join us if you are available.

After the Kestrel’s assembly the PTA are holding a meeting (with cake!). If you are coming to the assembly we would love you to stay and get involved in the work of the PTA.

Thank you to all the people who have sent in donations for the Glossop Food Bank. We collect all year for them and donations of non-perishable foods are always gratefully received.

I am sorry I don’t have any further news to give you about Mr Montgomery other than he is getting very frustrated at being unable to return to work. I am so grateful to all the staff at St Luke’s for working over and above what should be expected of them to ensure your children have been receiving good quality education at what could have been a difficult time.

Next week on Wednesday the Eagles are off to Whitby for a three day residential. They will be studying a contrasting area, looking at the Geography and History of Whitby. Most importantly they will be working together away from home and having a ball.

The Adult Education Centre, who brought us Family Science, are offering either an afterschool Family German or Spanish course. It would be open to 7-11 year olds plus a parent. If you would be interested in this please let the office know, and which language you would be interested in learning, and we will see what we can do.

Easter Raffle tickets should have come out to you last week. If you know that you are not going to sell any / all of your raffle tickets please could you send the spares back to the school office. This year the PTA have not had many spare books left over (which is great) and there are parents that have asked for spares.
There is also a cake bake promise list in the school office – if you can bake a cake / cakes for the event then please add your name to the list or let Nicola Williamson know.

Alice Littlehailes