
Dear Parents,

I am so sorry I had to postpone sports day, the weather was just not good enough. We will try again on Wednesday 11th June.

All the classrooms in school are busy happy places at the moment. We have people jetting off to space, I am a little concerned about the cow they are taking with them! Others are travelling back in time to meet historical characters. Whitby is growing on one wall, serpents being made in another room. I have seen excited maths relay races and dinner being chosen in French, scientific concepts being tried out in the hall and children talking about their reading. The ever growing choir is singing sweetly about smiles and the older children are starting to think about their summer production. All in all school feels happy and productive.

Next week is assessment week. The least helpful thing for the children is for them to be worried so please reassure the children. The children in all year groups from Year 2 up to Year 5 have a go at a test produced externally but any results form only a part of our assessment of where they are and what they need to do next. Their real use is in helping to learn how to take tests. The Year 6s will be doing externally marked tests, SATs, the results of these are reported to their secondary school but again form only a part of the assessments that are passed on. Much more weight is given to the Teacher Assessment based on work over time. What I am trying to say is please help your child put these assessments into perspective. The best thing they can do this weekend and next week is have fun, get plenty of sleep and make sure they have breakfast.

The PTA quiz night is fast approaching, it is a week tomorrow, so do get your tickets soon.

There will be no family assembly on Friday 16th May and on Friday 23rd May it will be at 2.30pm

On Wednesday 14th May I will be showing the Thank You Films in the hall at the end of the school day, 3.35ish.

Glossop Cricket Club’s Friday night coaching restarts this Friday 9th May. If you have a child in Years 1-6 (boy or girl) who might be interested in learning to play cricket do go along. Registration is from 6.20 and coaching is from 6.45-7.45. I know a lot of children from St Luke’s go every year and thoroughly enjoy it.

Alice Littlehailes