Dear Parents,

It is just typical you cancel sports day and the sun comes out!  I am so sorry that I had to take the decision to cancel but the field was just too wet.  I had visions of parent’s chairs sinking into the ground causing them to tumble off, children slipping and hurting themselves and possibly loosing several Kestrels in the swamp that was in the middle of the field.  Rather than set a third date now I will wait until we have had a good run of dry weather and a good forecast.

The children are being stars whilst the building work is going on.  I am so proud of the sensible way they are behaving.  The builders are working hard and the classrooms are going to look lovely.

Congratulations to the Boys cricket team who have got through to the High Peak Final.  They are playing that today.  Also good luck to the girls who play on Monday.

The warmer weather seems to have brought out all sorts of creatures including head lice.  There have been a number of reports of children needing to be treated.  Please could everyone check all heads this weekend and treat if you find a live louse.

Next week the church is starting a Christian fun and games club called Quest Club in school.  It will meet on a Tuesday lunchtime 12.30-1.  It is open to children in Key Stage Two who would like to attend.  The first meeting is next week in the library.

Tomorrow sees our first scoot and skate event straight after school.  For £1 the children can stay and use the playground.  Refreshments will be available.

The Gardening Club have asked me to remind parents that the sensory garden is not available for children to play in at the end of the school day.  They work very hard to keep the garden looking nice and would like it to be respected.  Speaking of the end of the school day can I also remind you that the children are not allowed to play on the bank as it is not safe.  Yesterday whilst the top field was being mown children went up there.  If the tractor driver had not seen them there would have been a nasty accident.

We have some musical treats coming up on Tuesday 24th June.  Harriers will be giving up a clarinet concert in the afternoon and at 7pm the choir and other instrumentalists will be showing us what they can do.  A letter about tickets for the evening concert will be coming out soon.

We are helping with The All Age Service at St Luke’s Church on Sunday 22nd June 10-11.30.  A number of the children have said they would like to participate.  I will be sending home a letter so I can get numbers for this.

If you are looking for something for your children to do during the summer holidays Whitehall are offering one day and residential courses at a reduced rate for Derbyshire residents.  For more information go to

Alice Littlehailes