
Dear Parents,

Sorry this is a day late but I have been focusing on Ofsted. Thank you to everyone who has been on Parent View. Thank you also for all the messages of support we have been sent this has meant a lot to all the staff.

Congratulations to the rounders team who became Glossop Champions yesterday.

Well done to everyone involved in the concerts on Tuesday. The children played the clarinet so well in the afternoon we were all proud of them. In the evening we had such a treat. Everyone had a lovely time. The children played their instruments with such confidence, the choir sang so sweetly and the audience was so encouraging. Special thanks go out to Mr Chadwick who stepped in and sorted out the technical bits! We are so fortunate to have Mrs Hillier our music guru making events like this happen.

You will have noticed we have moved where the scooters and bikes are stored. This is a trial to try and sort out the congestion around the doorway. Please put all bikes and scooters in the new designated space. Feedback on this experiment would be welcomed.

The Peregrines will be leading our assembly on Friday 4th July and Kestrels on Friday 11th July. Please join us for these if you can.

The PTA is meeting on Thursday 10th July in school at 3.30. We will put a film on in the hall for your children during the meeting. Please try to come along if you are available even if you have never been to a PTA meeting before.

Friday 11th July will also be a non-uniform day, we are asking for bottle donations for PTA events.

Family Fun day is on Saturday 12th July 2.30-4.30. This was such a great event last year that it is back by popular demand.

Alice Littlehailes