Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new school year. I hope you all had a lovely summer with your children. They have all come back sparkly and shiny and ready to learn. We welcomed our new reception children yesterday. The happy smiles they gave me every time I saw them were lovely.

Almost every Friday we have a family assembly, sometimes led by the children, where everyone is welcome to join us. Straight after the assembly this week the PTA are holding a meeting. As this is the first PTA meeting any new parents will have been able to come to the existing members have promised homemade cake! Please do try to come to this meeting as the PTA works hard for all the children in our school.

As the PTA kindly make Friday Toast and they will be in a meeting there will be no toast this week. It will start next week. For those who don’t know on Friday the children are offered the opportunity to bring in 20p and have a piece of toast at morning break. The children love this Friday treat. We are always looking for volunteers who could spare a bit of time on a Friday morning to cook and butter the toast. If you could help please let us know.

Parents Information Night This is an opportunity to come together, find out more about your child’s education and then meet their teacher or teachers in the classrooms. This year we are holding this event on Wednesday 17th September 7pm. We will be discussing the new curriculum and what it means for the children of St Luke’s.

Reception Class Parents Workshop Mrs Hillier is running a workshop 3.30 – 4.30 on Thursday 18th. The children can join me in the hall.

Most Clubs start next week you should have received a letter about them.

The Merlins Class will be leading our assembly on Friday 19th September.

Whitehall Trip There will be a meeting on Monday 22nd September at 6.30 for parents of the children in Merlins.

It saves trees and is more reliable if we can send you things such as the newsletter by email. If you are happy to receive an email copy, please let us have your email address.

I have been told about a great opportunity see below:

Little Stars Theatre Workshops. For 4-6 year olds. Make friends, develop confidence and have fun every Saturday 10am at the Partington Theatre Glossop. Lots of Drama games, Role-play, Fairytales, Disney songs working with movement,speech,music,drama and much more. Places must be booked. Call Penny Smith 01457 852281

Partington Youth Theatre. For 7 years up Tuesdays 5pm -6.15pm.  £2.50 per week paid termly. Make friends, develop confidence and self esteem . Loads of Drama games, improvisation,role-play, performance opportunities. We also tutor children for LAMDA acting exams. It’s a very friendly session with a great group of friendly and welcoming children. Call Penny Smith to book a place for your child 01457 852281

You may have heard lots of stories in the press about school kitchens not being able to cope with the new universal free school meals, I want to reassure you that our Gold Award winning kitchen is more than able to cope. They are offering delicious meals to the majority of our children. If your child is not having school meals at present and would like to give them a try just let the office know.

Alice Littlehailes