Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for Parents Information Night last night.  I hope everyone enjoyed it and learnt a bit about the new curriculum.

You should have received nomination papers for Parent Governor Elections.  All our present parent governors term of office finishes on 4th October.  If you are interested in the post nominations need to be in by Wednesday 1st October.  If you would like to find out more do contact me or speak to one of our governors.  If you have not received papers please let us know so we can make sure you have them.

The children in Year 5 and some of the Year 6 should have brought home letters about Bikeability which is the new updated cycling proficiency.  It is really important that children learn to ride safely on our roads.  They may well not be ready to ride on roads yet but this course will give them the skills they need later.  Please return the forms as soon as possible.  If the forms have not made it home let us know and we will give you some more.

The Merlins Class will be leading our assembly tomorrow and Kites Class on Friday 26th we would love you to join us.

There is a meeting on Monday 22nd at 6.30pm for the parents of Merlins Class about the residential at Whitehall.

We have an exciting week next week with a theatre group coming to school on Wednesday with a production of Sword in The Stone.  This will support our English teaching.  On Thursday we are celebrating European Day of Languages as part of our Modern Foreign Languages work.

On Friday 26th as part of our work on Citizenship we are holding a Cuppa for the Christie.  Following on from our work for Macmillan Nurses last year we have decided to support our local cancer specialist unit The Christie.  There will be a cake sale for the children in the morning and you are invited to school for a drink and a cake from 2.30pm.  If anyone has been inspired by ‘The Great British Bake Off’ and would like to bake some cake it would be fantastic.  If you are planning to send in some cake please let us know so we can judge quantities.  I would hate for there to be too much cake! Or even worse too little.

The PTA AGM is on Thursday 25th 7.30 at The Cricket Club.  This is not nearly as dry as it sounds.  The PTA meetings are a mix of a social and a business event.  The PTA works hard for all the children in school and needs as much support as possible.  Please come to the meeting if you can.

The children are all enjoying this year’s clubs.  The children in the Year 2 / 3 sports club on Monday had a fantastic time but say they would like more people to come if your child would like to join this club just let us know.  There is also a Quest Club run by St Luke’s Church on Tuesday lunchtime open to children in Key Stage Two any child wanting to come along to this needs to have dinner first and then come to the Library.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes