St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

For once I am going to start with some nags!

  • As I was returning to school around home time yesterday I noticed parents parking in the staff car park and parents walking their children across the car park rather than on the path. Both these things are dangerous and should not happen.
  • Please remember that children should not were jewellery or nail varnish. They may wear one pair of small stud earings but these must be removed for PE. If your child cannot take them out themselves we ask that you take them out on the morning of PE days. If they have had their ears pierced in the last six weeks you may send them in taped on PE days.
  • The number of children coming to school late is increasing, after an excellent start. Doors open at 8.50 and school starts at 9.00. This means children should be in their seats by 9.00 ready to learn. I cannot stress enough how important this is.

Phew that’s that over.

The Community and Charities Committee met with Debbie Rogers to hear about the work she is doing to support rural communities in Bangladesh. She told the children all about a school they are building. The children decided they wanted to support this charity and asked her to come back and talk to the whole school on Tuesday 4th November at 1.15.  The children were very keen that I invited any interested parents to join us.  Please do come to this assembly.

Thank you to everyone who helped with the disco last Friday. It was enjoyed by all and raised £270.  Remember there is a PTA meeting 6.45 4th November at Glossop Cricket Club to discuss how some of the PTA funds might be spent.

There has been a tree planted in the school’s name in The First World War Centenary Wood in Surrey. This is a woodland trust project to create woods in commemoration of all the lives affected by the First World War.

Good luck to our girls football team who have qualified for the High Peak final tomorrow.

Well done to our cross country runners taking part in the Tameside Cross country. In the Under 9s Lily Barlow came 7th.  In the Under 11s Lily-Belle Bloomer came 19th and Rose Barlow came 3rd.  The final race in this series is 15th November we wish them well for this.

We finish for half term tomorrow and school restarts on Monday 3rd November.  I hope you have a lovely week together.

Community Notices:

‘Peak Performers’ Choir is looking for new members. The children here love to sing so I am sure many of them would be interested in joining this choir.  It meets 6-7 Wednesdays at Partington Theatre Club Room.  Weekly subscription £1.50.  For further details ring Brenda Pickford on 01457 856851.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes