St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you for your generosity we raised £200 for Children in Need.  The children looked fantastic in their bonkers bottoms.

Friday was the Year Four sleep over.  The children had a fabulous time.  They played games, made mementos, cooked supper and star gazed.  They all settled down to sleep in the hall.  In the morning we had breakfast together, played a few more games and then parents came to pick their children up.  I was so proud of the children who were a little nervous sleeping away from home, maybe for the first time, but bravely did it, had a good time and left with a smile on their faces.  It is such a good preparation for residential trips in Years 5 and 6.  A huge thank you goes out to all the staff who gave up their Friday evening and in some cases night.

Tomorrow Eagles will be leading our Friday Assembly please join us if you can.  Harriers will be leading it on Friday 28th.

On Wednesday 19th our Prime Minister, Deputy and Chancellor went to Charlesworth for the Glossop Pupil Forum.  They had the opportunity to talk to other children from the cluster about the issues that affect them.

Remember Years 3 and 6 are going out for their trip to Quarry Bank Mill on Friday 21st November.  The children do not need to come in uniform.  They need warm layers and waterproofs, especially Year 6 who will be doing field work outside.

The Boy’s Football Team will be playing the next round of their tournament on Friday after school.  We all wish them well.

Some children from the choir will have the opportunity to sing as part of the cluster on Tuesday 25th November as St Mary’s is hosting a singing workshop.

On Wednesday 26th November the Year 5s are participating in a dance workshop at Glossopdale School.  They will work with other children from the cluster to develop their dance skills.  They all need to remember their PE kits on that day.

Non-uniform day is on Friday 28th November.  Children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in a donation for the chocolate tombola.  The older children have been asked for gifts for the wrapping stall.  These are items your child can buy and we will wrap them so they can secretly give them to family members for Christmas.  Please make every effort to bring in your donation on the day as they will be collected and organised in readiness for the Christmas fair the following week.

I have been told about another exciting science day in Manchester, University Place.  On Saturday 29th November 11-3 Manchester University is running a ‘Bugs to Drugs’ day.  This is an opportunity to find out how medicines are made; what’s in them; and how they work.  The children can meet scientists and take part in interactive activities.  As if that was not enough it is free.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes