St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Happy New Year.  I hope you all had a good festive period.

It was lovely to welcome all the children back on Monday ready to take on the challenges of the new year.

Two exciting challenges are:  On Friday 30th January Merlins will be performing at Buxton Opera House as part of their Dance Festival.  Tickets are available from the Opera House. On Saturday 7th March Harriers and Eagles will be performing with Kinder Children’s Choir at Buxton Pavillion Gardens at 3pm tickets will be available from school nearer the date.

I am very pleased to be able to tell you that Mrs McLaren is out of her protective boot and is hoping, not hopping, to be able to gradually start back at school.  We are very fortunate that Mrs Beedle is willing and able to keep teaching Kites class during this phased return.

Clubs restart next week except Gardening Club which will need to wait until the lighter nights.  There have been a few changes to out of school clubs, rugby club on Thursday will now be running club and Mr Warburton’s Monday club will now be an arts and crafts club.

Club Time Open to Staff
Monday Orchestra



KS1 Club

Arts & Crafts




3.20 – 4.00


Children learning an instrument

Y4,5 &6

Reception & Y1


Catharine & Tom Elliott

Mr Rank

Mrs Hillier

Mr Warburton

Tuesday Film Club

Science Club




Starting in spring



Mrs Clayton

Ms Nichols


Thursday Running Club

Cookery Club


Drama Club






Group Two



Mr Montgomery

Mrs McLaren & Ms Byron

Mrs Littlehailes


There are spaces in all the clubs except cookery, if your child would like to join please send a note in. The lunchtime clubs will also still continue including Quest Club on Tuesdays run by St Luke’s Church. PAS will still be running on Tuesdays and Gymnastics on Mondays the organisers of these clubs will contact you independently.

We have a few items of school uniform left from when we sold it, if you are interested in buying any of it please come in to the office ASAP.  We have:

Jumpers 7×24”, 2×26”, 1×28”, 3xmedium, 4xlarge

1 large Cardigan

Polo Shirts 1×22/24”, 1×30”, 4xsmall, 3xmedium

PE Shirts 7x 22/24”, 4×26”, 3×30”, 2×32”, 3xsmall

.Alice Littlehailes                                                                              (Dates for the term attached)


12th      After school clubs start

Friday 23rd       Merlins Class Assembly

Friday 30th       Ospreys Class Assembly

Peak Dance Festival


Tuesday 3rd      PTA 3.30 in school

Friday 6th         Peregrines Class Assembly

House Verse Speaking

Popcorn after school

Finish for half term

Monday 16th      School restarts

Friday 20th       Harriers Assembly

PTA Disco

Thursday 26th House enterprise event 2-4pm

Friday 27th        Eagles class assembly


Wednesday 4th Choral project rehearsal 10.30-11.30 Hayfield school

Thursday 5th     World Book Day

Friday 6th         INSET Day – school closed

Saturday 7th      Eagles & Harriers in Kinder Choir concert

Friday 13th        Kestrel’s Class Assembly

Red Nose Day

Tuesday 17th      Parents evening 3.45-5.30

Wednesday 18th Parents evening 4-7

Thursday 19th     Last Swim

Friday 20th       Kites Class Assembly

Wednesday 25th Eagles to Whitby

Friday 27th        Easter Service

Easter Raffle and Tea

Finish for Easter        School restarts Monday 13th April