St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Excitement is growing amongst the Merlins as they get ready for their performance at Buxton Opera House.  I can’t wait to see them up on that magnificent stage tomorrow.  We all wish them luck.

PTA quiz night is almost upon us.  If you haven’t yet got your ticket for tomorrow there is still time.  I wish I could be in two places at the same time but my super powers don’t seem to be working.  I hope you all have a great evening.  If it is half as good as last year’s you will.

Ospreys will be leading the assembly tomorrow and Peregrines on Friday 6th February.  Do join us at just after 9 if you can.

The annual House Verse Speaking Competition is next Friday so please help your child finish learning their poems.  They will want to impress the judge.

We finish for half term on Friday 6th February, I know so early.  The PTA will be selling popcorn after school so the children can start the holiday with a treat.

I have had a number of people come in this week to complain about parking around school.  I understand people have been parking on the zig zagz, across people’s drives and in a way that blocks everyone else.  As well as this I have had reports of parents using the carpark.  I know drop off and pick up times are fraught, I know parking carefully further away can seem like a chore but we do not want there to be an accident.  Please arrive a little earlier and give yourself time to park further away.

Our new windows are nearly all in, just the hall to do.  They look really smart and are keeping us much warmer.  The window fitters have done a great job at ensuring they keep the children very safe whilst they did what they have to do.  My thanks go out to them for this.

Alice Littlehailes