
Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good week last week.  I am writing today because there have had to be a number of changes in dates and I wanted to give you as much notice as possible.  Here are the new dates up to Easter:


Friday 20th                 Harrier’s Assembly

PTA Disco – Red theme

Wed 25th                    Class Photos

Friday 27th                 Eagle’s Assembly

Bag2School collection                    Closing date for Fairtrade competition


Wednesday 4th         Enterprise Event 2-4  This is the event the children have been working towards in houses.  The children have been given some seed money to use to make money for a village in Bangladesh.  The villagers will then use the money as seed money for their own enterprise activities.  If you are available to come along and support this we would be very grateful.

Thursday 5th              World Book Day – we are having a pirate book theme this year so do send your child in wearing pirate clothes or clutching a pirate book.  Parrots welcome if they are quiet!

Friday 6th                   INSET Day – school closed to the children.

Saturday 7th              Concert with Kinder Choir at The Octagon Buxton.  Tickets £8 available from the office.

Monday 9th                Whitby Parents meeting 6pm

Friday 13th                 Red Nose Day

Kestrel’s Assembly

Tuesday 17th             Parent’s Evening 3.45 – 5.30

Wednesday 18th       Parent’s Evening 4.00 – 7.00

Friday 20th                 Kite’s Assembly

Monday 23rd              Dance Festival New Date

Tuesday 24th             Easter Raffle and Tea

Wednesday 25th       Whitby Residential starts

Friday 27th                 Whitby Residential Ends

Finish for Easter. Term restarts Monday 13th April.