St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had another busy week:

  • Education Sunday was celebrated in church. We thank the parish for holding us in their thoughts.
  • The girl’s football team made a good start to their tournament by winning one match and drawing one. The England Men’s cricket team would love to have a results line like that!
  • There was a very successful and red disco. Thank you to everyone who helped make this such a good night.
  • The Year 4 & 5 s had their last session with Katharine Moore who has been very impressed with the quality of the singing from all the children, both those who can take part in the concert and those who are not able to.
  • Class photos have been taken. I do hope you will be pleased with the results.
  • Kestrels have had a good explore around Glossop. This is for their work on ‘Me and My World’ and for their entry into The Thank You Film Awards. The children wanted to say thank you for their town.

Congratulations to the Sports Hall Athletics Squad who have made it through to the High Peak final next Wednesday.  We wish them lots of luck.

It is the Bag 2 School collection tomorrow, 27th February.  Please bring in your bag of unwanted clothes by 9am as the pick up is scheduled for the morning.  We are very grateful to you for joining in with this as it raises several hundreds of pounds every year for school fund.

On Tuesday the Netball Team will be taking part in the Glossop Tournament.  We hope they have a great time.  I am sure they will show the same sportsmanship as all our teams.  The sporting way they conduct themselves is often commented upon.

Wednesday 4th is a very busy day with the choir having a rehearsal at Hayfield Primary School in the morning.  The athletics squad are competing in the afternoon and it is Enterprise Day.  I do hope you will be able to support the children’s work by sending them in with a little money to spend at the stalls and or attending the event.  The children will be running the stalls between 2 – 4.

Thursday 5th is World Book Day.  This year we have a pirate theme as we have a visit from a pirate booked curtesy of Lily Barlow who has donated her prize of a pirate visit to school.  Please send the children to school in pirate clothes or with a pirate book or just clutching a black spot!


Remember Friday 6th March is an INSET day when school will be closed to the children.

Saturday 7th is the day of the choir concert.  If you haven’t yet got your tickets to see the choir at Buxton please call into the office.  We would love to have lots of supporters whether or not your child is singing.

Alice Littlehailes