St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
What a week we have had. On Friday the choir performed beautifully at the Choir Festival and gained a trophy for being the most innovative choir. Well done to all of them. It was a long tiring afternoon but they rose to the occasion.

On Sunday three children went to London to be interviewed live on BBC1. They did so well. We were treated like celebrities which just made everyone more nervous! Once the interview was over we were able to relax and look at all the things that were going on including the veteran’s parade and the flyby of spitfires and The Red Arrows.

The Year 6 children have been sitting their SATs tests this week but will finish today. I have been very impressed with the positive attitude they have displayed and their determination to do well.
The Harrier’s did some work to prepare for the BBC Ten Pieces Concert they are going to on Friday 19th June. Letters about this will follow.

Yesterday the tag rugby team took part in the Glossop tournament and played well. Well done to them.

I am sorry I had to cancel Sports Day but the forecast on Monday was terrible. I know it now looks like a lovely sunny day but a decision needed to be made. We will try again on Friday 5th June at 10am.

We are all looking forward to Kestrel’s leading our Assembly tomorrow at about 9.00. Do join us.

Next Week is Take One Picture Week, when we base our work around a picture from The National Gallery collection. It is a week we all look forward to each year. There will be an assembly on Friday 22nd May at 2pm to share our work, you are very welcome to join us. Because of this there will be no assembly in the morning.

On Monday 18th the Harriers will be walking to the Library for a talk from the Dog’s Trust.

Remember it is Pamper Night tomorrow. I hope you are all coming to be pampered.

We finish for half term on Friday 22nd May. School reopens for the children on Thursday 4th June.

Alice Littlehailes