St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Welcome back. I hope you all had a good week last week.

As it looks as if summer might be beginning now seemed a good time to remind everyone about school uniform. It is grey trousers, shorts or skirt with a white polo shirt and a red sweatshirt or cardigan or a red and white summer dress. The children need to be wearing black school shoes or appropriate sandals. I understand that at this time of year if school shoes are broken it is the wrong time to replace them but footwear needs to be appropriate i.e. not things like yellow trainers or red sparkly sandals. The wearing of makeup including nail varnish is not allowed. Children may wear a watch, they may also have one set of stud earrings provided they can take them out for PE. No other jewellery is permitted. Please help your child feel fully part of the school by sending them in uniform. Oh yes and can all items of uniform be labelled as we have loads of unnamed items of clothes around school which we cannot return to their owner, thank you.

Fingers crossed it is looking good for sports day tomorrow at 10am. Provided it does not rain heavily between now and then it will go ahead. You are welcome to attend if you would like to. The children need to make sure they have their PE kit in school. We will provide everything else they need such as drinks.

Due to sports day happening in the morning there will be no Friday toast this week, nor will there be a family assembly.

This is a very busy half term with sports day this week, thank you films award ceremony next Thursday and scoot and skate next Friday 12th June. On this day the PTA invite any child to bring their scooter or skates or skateboard to school and enjoy an hour of activities with them after school. We tried it for the first time last year and it was a lovely evening. There is a small charge for the event and refreshments are available to buy.

On Friday 12th June there will be no assembly in the morning but one at 2pm for the children to share what they have done during the third RE week of the year. You are very welcome to join us for this.

On Friday 19th July Kites Class will be leading the assembly and Harriers will also be rounding off their work on the violin by performing for us. Please join us for this.

After the concert Harriers will be leaving to travel to Derby to listen to the BBC Ten Pieces Concert – a very exciting day for them.

This weekend there will be a new temporary fence erected in the more active yard. This is because the company carrying out emergency repairs to the railway line need access. There will be no impact on the children.

Alice Littlehailes