St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We had a lovely Sports Day on Friday, well done to everyone. Then the boys did very well in the cricket and are through to the High Peak Final today. We hope they have a good afternoon.

On Monday some of the children had a great time making frog masks for the Harriers to wear when they are performing as part of Glossop Music Festival.

Today is a very busy day as some of the children are going to the Thank You Film Awards Ceremony in Birmingham. We have had three of our films shortlisted and are very proud of all the children involved in making these films. They have been invited to Birmingham to see their film on the big screen. The dress code is dress to impress so glitz and glamour it is.

It is the welcome meeting for the parents of the new children tonight at 7pm. We are looking forward to them becoming part of our school family.

On Friday it is Scoot and Skate after school. For £1 the children can stay at school and play on their scooter, skateboard or skates. Everyone needs to be wearing a helmet. You should have received a letter about this yesterday.

On Friday there will be no family assembly in the morning as we will be sharing the work we have done during RE week from 2pm. You are very welcome to join us if you would like to.

On Friday 19th June our Assembly will be led by Kites and Harriers will be performing a violin concert for us. Do join us if you can.

On July 6th the orchestra will be playing in assembly you would be very welcome to join us for this.
Another new date for you is The St Luke’s Film Festival on Monday 6th July at 5pm. This is a chance to see the Thank You films the children have made and the Greatest Generation Film they made for the BBC.

We are always keen to have feedback about the school so we would ask you to complete the questionnaire you can find at you can fill one in for each child you have with us.

Five of our Y5 children are doing a sponsored swim – as many lengths as they can in an hour – to raise money for Diabetes Research. There is a sponsor form in the office, or they will accept donations. Please support them if you can.
The NCT have asked me to let you know about a Fun Day and nearly new sale on Sunday 21st June 10-2.00 at The Venue at Wimberry Hill Cemetery Road, Glossop.

The Friends of the Station have organised a Teddy Bears Picnic on Saturday 13th June 10.30 – 1.30. Children accompanied by an adult and a teddy bear travel free between Glossop, Hadfield and Hattersley Stations.

I have listed the dates again overleaf as I know this is a very busy half term.
Alice Littlehailes


Friday 12th Scoot & Skate
Tuesday 16th Governing Body meeting 6pm
Wednesday 17th Fire safety talks Y2 & Y6
Friday 19th Kites Assembly & Harrier’s Violin Concert
Harriers to BBC Ten Pieces
Tuesday 23rd Summer Concert
Wednesday 24th Glossop Music Festival Schools Concerts
Friday 26th Osprey’s Assembly
Saturday 27th Children in Glossop Music Festival 11.30
School Family Fun Day 2-4pm
Tuesday 30th Y3/4 production 7pm


Friday 3rd Bag2school pick up
Eagle’s Assembly
Monday 6th Orchestra performing in assembly
St Luke’s Film Festival 5pm
Thursday 9th Harriers and Kites to Manchester Museum
Friday 10th Non uniform Day for bottle donations
Harriers Assembly
Tuesday 14th Black Shadow Performance 7pm
Wednesday 15th Black Shadow Performance 2pm
Thursday 16th Black Shadow Performance 5.30pm
Friday 17th PTA meeting after assembly
Tuesday 21st Disco 5-6.30
Friday 24th Leaver’s Assembly
Leaver’s Do
Finish for summer


Monday 7th Return to school
Wednesday 9th New Reception start