St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What a fabulous week the last week has been with the children loving the red carpet event in Birmingham. The cricket team may not have won a match but covered themselves in glory as the organiser came over to Mr Warburton to praise their behaviour. Scoot and skate was warm but fun, thank you to all the PTA members who helped. The cyclocross team had a great time at their event. As did the cheerleading group, they had been offered the chance to go and work with Tintwistle Primary School who have an award winning cheerleading squad. The children from Tintwistle were very welcoming, were amazing at cheerleading and the event was ‘epic’. Our thanks go out to the staff and pupils for putting on such a great event. As if all of that was not enough we also had the fire brigade in yesterday talking to the Year 2s & 6s.

On Friday 19th June our Assembly will be led by Kites and Harriers will be performing a violin concert for us before they jet off (alright coach off) to Derby for a concert. Do join us if you can. The following week it will be led by the Ospreys.

Next Tuesday 23rd June is our summer music concert at 7pm. There will be no tickets issued for this but everyone is welcome.

Our family fun day is fast approaching, it is on Saturday 27th June at the moment the forecast is good. If you would be able to help with this event please let the office or a member of the PTA know. The last few PTA meetings have been poorly attended and we need more people to offer to help at all our events.

There will be no school organised after school clubs next Tuesday 23rd as all the staff have meetings. PAS will still be on. School run clubs will finish on Friday 10th July.

Here is a message from one of the children organising the sponsored swim – Tommy says ‘My brother was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes last year and I want to raise money to help find a cure for it. Some of my friends (James and George Allen, Freya Conway and Erin Hilton) also have relatives with diabetes and so we have agreed together to try and raise as much as possible for Diabetes UK. We are going to swim for a full hour at Glossop Swimming Pool and do as many lengths as we can. If you would like to sponsor us there is a sponsor form in school reception or you can donate at or all our money collected will be put together, so it doesn’t matter how you choose to donate. Thank you very much’

Howard Park are organising a Teddy Bear’s Picnic on June 28th 2-4pm. This is a good event.

We are always keen to have feedback about the school so we would ask you to complete the questionnaire you can find at you can fill one in for each child you have with us.

Early warning that we will not be sending books home in the summer as the new assessment system requires us to evidence progress in work which is only possible with the children’s work. We will send work home later in the year.

Alice Littlehailes