St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What a busy Saturday we all had with the fabulous concert in Old Glossop Church in the morning followed by the Family Fun Day in the afternoon. Thank you to everyone who supported or helped run this event. It was a lovely afternoon. The cakes produced by the children were inventive, congratulations to the winners. Well done to Harry and Andrew who ran a lego stall, they are budding entrepreneurs.

Tuesday saw the Sparkle and Shine Show playing to a packed crowd. It was so nice to see all the children enjoying putting on this performance, despite the hall being too hot.

The chicks are growing quickly. They have developed long legs and wing feathers so are not looking like balls of fluff anymore. They will go to the farm on Friday to mature into adult chickens.

Remember we have a bag 2 school collection tomorrow morning so do bring in all your old clothes and shoes.

Eagles are leading our assembly on Friday 3rd July and Harriers the following week the 10th. Please join us if you can.

On Monday the orchestra will be performing for us at 9am do come and listen to how good they now are.

We have a very exciting event on Monday evening when at 5pm we will have Film Night. This is an opportunity for you to see the film made by the children in Y6 as part of the BBC Greatest Generation Project. We will also show some of the films made as part of the Thank You Film Awards some of which were shortlisted. We will show films made by children in Reception, Y1, Y2 & Y4. We do hope as many people as possible will be able to come. There will be popcorn and the press will be there.

All Saints Pre-School have spaces and have asked me to pass on this message:
All Saint Pre-School Glossop is a small and friendly Pre School, we work to the Early Years Foundation Stage which allows children to learn though play. Pre-School morning sessions are available for little ones from two and a half years old to school entry age.
Sessions run in term time from 9am -12pm Monday to Friday.
Funding is available for 2 and 3 year olds and we are Ofsted registered.
For more information contact Zoe Mather Pre-School Manager on 07549464963 or drop in and see us any morning.

Alice Littlehailes