St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We had a lovely celebratory Monday the Orchestra showed us just how far they had come in our morning assembly. Thank you so much to The Elliotts for running this. After school we ran our Film Night to celebrate the films the children had made in school. Thank you to everyone who supported this it was a lovely night. If you weren’t able to attend and would like to see the film we made as part of the BBC Greatest Generation Project it can be viewed at our film is called ‘Freedom Does Not Come Cheap’.

Tomorrow is Non Uniform day for bottles for the next fair. These can be bottles of anything; shampoo, ketchup, pop, salad dressing, bubble bath etc. Thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting this.

The Harrier’s will be leading our Assembly on Friday do join us if you can.

On Friday afternoon the Year 6 Pupils will be taking part in a cluster festival of sport at St Philip Howard School.

This week is the last week for all clubs except PAS which has one more club next week. I would like to thank all the people who have given up their time to offer your children such a wide range of extra-curricular activities. So thank you to parents, governors, staff and friends who have been so generous with their time.

Next week is Performance Week for the Grand Summer Production, which this year is called The Black Shadow. It is a tale of Bad Barons, mysterious heroes and incompetent guards. The children are loving preparing it for you. It is looking as if we will have tickets left for all the performances after the parents of Eagles and Merlins have got theirs so if anyone else would like to come and see it you would be very welcome. Performances are on Tuesday 14th at 7pm, Wednesday 15th at 2pm, and Thursday 16th at 5.30pm. Tickets are available from the office or by sending an email or letter in.

On Monday 20th the children will be having a move up morning when they try out their new class. On that morning they can go in through the door they will be using next year. The classes for next year will be staying as they are this year:

Reception                    Kestrels                     Mrs Hillier

Y1                                Peregrines                  Miss Nicholls

Y2                                Ospreys                      Mrs Clayton

Y3                                Kites                           Mrs McLaren

Y4                                Harriers                     Ms Lee

Y5                                Eagles                         Mr Warburton

Y6                                Merlins                       Miss Byron
On Friday 17th July we have a PTA meeting at 9.30am to look at dates and activities for next year. Remember we have a disco on Tuesday 21st July 5-6.30pm.

Over the summer Longdendale Environment Centre is running a number of great looking family days, I will put more details on next week but if you want to ensure a space information can be found at

Alice Littlehailes