St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Our footballers have had a very successful week – on Friday both teams got through to the High Peak Final, which was played on Monday. The girl’s team came second and the boy’s team were given third place. They actually came joint second on points and goal difference but because the other team had beaten them in the match they had played against each other the second place was awarded to them. What a huge achievement by both teams. Well done to them and to the people who coach them.

Tomorrow night is the PTA disco. The theme is inspired ‘Strictly rugby’ I cannot wait to see what the children wear to this! Will it be sequins and dancing shoes or rugby shirts or maybe a combination of them both! It is 5-6.30pm £1 entry. There will as ever be food and things to buy. See you on the dance floor.

Wednesday morning next week, 21st October, is individual school photos morning. If you would like a photo of your pre-school child they can be done before school.

It is parents evening next week so there will be no school run clubs on Tuesday or Wednesday (PAS will still be on). There will also be no sports club on Thursday as there is a cross country competition.

If you have not yet got an appointment for parents evening please contact us to arrange one.

The Peregrines will be leading our assembly on Friday 23rd of October. I hope you can join us. We also finish for half term on this date. The PTA will be selling popcorn in the playground to get it off to a good start.

The PTA organise the making of toast on a Friday morning but are struggling to get volunteers. The children love this Friday treat. Please think if you could spare an hour occasionally on a Friday morning, if there were lots of people offering to help each person would only need to do a couple of Friday’s a year.

There will be a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitehall on Monday 2nd November at 6pm.

Next week is Travel Smart Week – better known as walk to school week. Everyone is encouraged to walk scoot or ride at least part of the way to school. This is to reduce the traffic danger around schools at those peak times. Fingers crossed the weather will stay nice and make this a pleasure to join in with.

Alice Littlehailes