St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are almost at the end of this half term and what a busy one it has been. The children are looking ready for a holiday to recharge their batteries and come back ready to learn.

This week has been a very successful week for the Tag Rugby Teams. On Tuesday Glossop Rugby Club and High Peak Sport organised a special tournament. It was an amazing event with face painting, an ex England player signing autographs and information about a healthy lifestyle. At the last minute we were offered the chance to take a second team as another team had dropped out. Our second team came third and our original team came second. They were very disappointed because they only lost the final at the very last moment due to a disallowed try. It bodes very well for the real tournament later in the year.

Also on Tuesday three of our pupils organised a stall in the playground to raise money for Wateraid. They raised an amazing £50, which will be match funded by the government. Well done to them.

The report following the church school inspection has come out this week, you should get a copy tonight. It is well worth a read as it says lots of lovely things about your children. It is so reassuring to have an external inspector come into school and appreciate the quality of the work being done and the fabulous social relationships between the children.

Tomorrow Peregrines are leading our Assembly please join us if you can, it will be shorter than last weeks!

We finish for half term tomorrow and so the PTA will be selling popcorn in the playground to get us all in a holiday mood.

Over half term it will be Halloween and I know trick or treating is a very popular activity. The police every year ask us to remind everyone that it needs to be done safely. If you choose to let your children go out they need to be with an adult. Please respect other members of the community by only knocking on doors of people you know or who have indicated that they wish to participate. A number of older or more vulnerable members of the community are scared by people knocking on their doors at night, and feel intimidated by unknown people in the dark. I know you are all kind people who are enjoying an event but others don’t. I do know that lots of you will be attending a party or organising something at home rather than going out on the streets so that the occasion can be safely enjoyed by everyone.

As usual we are collecting for the Royal British Legion and so have poppies for sale in school for a donation. This year The Royal British Legion has also sent a small collection of gifts for sale for 50p. They include pencils, rubbers, bugs, reflective tags and wristbands. If you would like your child to buy any of them they are available from the office.

We return to school on Monday 2nd November. That evening at 6pm we have a meeting for the parents of the Merlin’s Class who are going to Whitehall.

On Tuesday 3rd November the Eagles will get the chance to have a go on a climbing wall which the council are bringing to school. They need to have their PE kit in school for that day.

If you haven’t returned your Glossop Fun Run Jog money yet please do so as the Rotary Club want to finalise totals and certificates.

On Friday 6th November we are having a non-uniform day. In return for the pleasure of wearing suitable home clothes we are asking the children to bring in donations for the Christmas Fair. The fair is the PTAs main fundraising event of the year and we are always very grateful for the support you give. This year we are asking the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys to bring in something chocolatey for the chocolate tombola. The rest of school are asked to bring in a gift for the wrap stall. The idea of this is that the children can buy a present for a family member and the staff will wrap it for them all ready for the big day. Kites are asked to bring in red gifts, Harriers green gifts, Eagles gold gifts and Merlins silver gifts but anything that would make a lovely present for a child to give you would be very welcome.

There is a new menu starting after half term. You should have a copy coming home tonight. The first week back is National school Meals week so the menu is slightly different:

Monday meatballs or vegetable lasagne
Tuesday chicken curry or cheese & bean burritos
Wednesday roast turkey dinner or cheese and potato flan
Thursday sausages or vegetarian sausages
Friday fish fingers or vegetarian pastry roll

There have been a number of reports of nits please check your families’ hair over half term and treat them with lotion or by combing if live head lice are found.

Alice Littlehailes