St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a lovely week last week. The children have come back to our Big Write Week and have all been involved in creating characters, stories, reports and letters. I am really looking forward to reading their writing.

You should have received your child’s photo proof this week. If you would like to order any copies please return the form and money by Thursday 12th November.

Just a reminder that it is non uniform day tomorrow. The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in donations for the chocolate tombola and everyone else, gifts for the wrap stall.

The boy’s football league starts on Friday after school. I know the boys are looking forward to this.

Next Monday the Year 6s go to Whitehall for three days residential. I am sure they will have a great time.

Thursday 12th is the day the children in Years 1&2 will get their flu immunisation. If you haven’t yet sent back your form about this please do so.

There is a PTA meeting 7.15 at The Cricket Club. Everyone is encouraged to come if they can.

On Friday 13th the Kestrels will be leading our assembly at just after 9.00, do join us for this if you can. It is also the night of the Year 4 Sleep Over!

On Tuesday 24th November we are holding an open afternoon for anyone who would like to look round the school. If you know of anyone who’s children will start school next September do invite them to come for a look. If you would like to come and look at what the children are doing you would be very welcome.

This is a special plea to help with school funds. For every child eligible for free school meals at our school we get extra money in the budget. Now all the children in Reception Year 1 and Year 2 get a dinner free people don’t necessarily apply and without that application we don’t get the funding. Please, please, please if you think you qualify apply. See below:

Free School Meals
Could your children be entitled to free school meals? If you are on the following benefits you will be able to claim a meal for your children:
•Income support
•Income based Job Seekers Allowance or an Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•Child Tax Credit Only (with a family income of less than £16,190)
•National Asylum Seekers Support
•Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
•Employment and Support Allowance
You can’t get free school meals if you are claiming Working Tax Credit.
It’s easy to apply at
Or ask the school office for a form.
And your child’s school will get a payment from the Government of £900 per year.

Alice Littlehailes