St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The Year 6’s arrived back in school tired but proud having spent three days at Whitehall on a residential doing adventurous activities. Well done to all of them and a huge thank you to the staff who gave up their time to make it possible. Tomorrow the Year 4’s will be spending the night in school enjoying their first residential.

Gardening Club are collecting materials to make wind chimes and wind catchers for the sensory garden. If you have any unwanted tins, keys, buttons or CDs they would be very grateful for them. They also would be grateful for any plant pots.

The boys did very well at football last Friday and they have more league matches this Friday and next. We have also been offered the chance for a B team to join them so even more children can take part. We wish them all luck.

We are through to the High Peak final for the cross country which will be held next Tuesday. Good luck to all the members of the squad.

Tomorrow is Children in Need day. This year we are offering you the chance to get rid of all that annoying loose change by bringing it in to school. We are aiming to make a Pudsey picture out of it.
The Kestrels will be leading our assembly on Friday 13th and the Kites on Friday 20th. You are very welcome to join us for these.

The PTA meeting tonight at 7.15 will be in school not at the cricket club as originally planned.

If you would like to order a copy of your child’s school photo remember they need to be in tomorrow, Monday at the latest.

Further to my plea last week for people to apply for free school meals, even if their child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, if you are in receipt of Universal Credit I believe you are eligible. Please do apply if you even think you just might qualify as it makes a substantial difference to the money we have available to help your child.

Next week is Anti Bullying Week. This year we are focusing in on online bullying and how the children can stay safe. We will be reminding them that the minimum age for platforms such as Facebook is 13, not to give out personal information, not to meet up with people they have got to know online and to report anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Alice Littlehailes