St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

For once I am going to start with some safety nags. The car park is being misused at the moment. This week I have seen; people walking their children across it rather than use the paths, parents driving in and using it to drop off or pick up their children which is not permitted, and the gates being left open. These rules exist to keep your children safe please follow them.

I have also seen bikes chained to the fence in the car park potentially blocking the emergency access into the playground. Please leave bikes and scooters in the designated space. Can I also remind you that they are left at school at your own risk.

Phew all moans out of the way.

The younger children had an amazing experience this week, they got to work with the Northern Ballet. They worked to create dance moves to tell the story of The Hare and The Tortoise. The company have developed a ballet to tell this story which is being performed at Buxton Opera House at a much subsidised price. It is on 15th February, during half term or else I would have taken the children, There are three performances at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm and tickets are only £8 adults and £6 for children. I would urge you to get to this if you can.

The Year fives had a very exhilarating time when a mobile climbing wall came to school on Tuesday. The children were all so proud of their achievements. Some made it to the top having thought they could only get part way up and others who were sure they couldn’t do it at all got most of the way up. Well done to all of them and thank you to Derbyshire County Council who provided it.

You have all been invited to Glossopdale Hadfield site to see the plans for the new build and ask questions or make comments before the designs are finalised and submitted for planning. Most of your children will be affected by this exciting development and so I am sure you would like to be involved at this stage. The consultation is a drop in session between 4.10 and 7pm on Thursday 21st January.

One of the children lost a bag with some red converse trainers in on the last day of term. Please could you check to make sure your child has not taken it home by accident.

Alice Littlehailes