St Luke’s Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to our Gymnasts who came third in their competition. They all enjoyed the experience.

Congratulations to the Sports hall Athletics squad who came third in the High Peak Final.

On Tuesday Miss Byron and myself took last years’ Year 6 down to London because the film they made ‘Freedom Does Not Come Cheap’ was nominated for an award at the biggest glitziest award ceremony for children’s film making. Just to give you an idea of the glamour Awards were presented by people such as Simon Pegg, Steven Mangan, James Norton, Michael Sheen and an Oscar winner who brought her Oscar with her. We were then treated to an after party at Planet Hollywood. We didn’t win but it was a huge honour to be one of the three nominations.

On Wednesday Eagles class were invited to Manchester University to a science fair where the children were inspired by all things scientific. The children explored robotics, biology, corrosion, mathematics, astronomy, physics and many other areas. They asked and answered many good questions. We are very grateful to the university for putting on this event and inviting us to be part of it.

Tomorrow Friday 18th March is Sport Relief day when the children can come to school in sporty clothes for a donation. They could also decorate a sock and fill it with loose change. There will be a prize for the best dressed sock. We will also be doing lots of sporty things so make sure you have your PE kit in school.

Messy Church will be meeting in school, after school on Friday, so if you and your children fancy finding out a bit more about this group do meet them in the hall at the end of the school day.

Next week is another busy week with:

Merlins taking part in the Peak Dance Festival at Buxton Opera House on Monday night. Tickets available from the Opera House.

Tag Rugby on Tuesday

Kite’s and Harrier’s performances of Hoodwinked on Tuesday 6pm and Wednesday 2pm

The Easter Service is on Thursday in church at about 9.20. Please join us if you can.

The Easter Raffle and Tea on Thursday Afternoon. The PTA have organised an afternoon tea to accompany the drawing of the grand Easter Raffle. Children bring in £1 and are given a drink and cake, parents are also invited to join us. If you are a master baker, or just enjoy it and fancy baking a cake for this event see a member of PTA.

We finish for Easter on Thursday 24th and return to school on Monday 11th April.

On Wednesday 23rd March at 5.30 we will hold a parents meeting for the Year 5 Whitby Trip.

Remember fruit money for Key Stage 2 next term needs to be in by 23rd March.

Alice Littlehailes