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Newsletter 23.05.2013



Dear Parents,

I have two big thank yous for you all. Firstly thank you for supporting the African Skills Day we raised £497.52. This is enough to provide 5 standpipes, bringing clean water to hundreds of people. The second thank you is to the PTA for organising, and to you for supporting, the fantastic Pamper Night. It was a great night enjoyed by all and raised £750 for school. I know lots of you put a lot of effort into making this event an enjoyable night and a great showcase for the school in the community.

The Take One Picture Week is going really well. The children are all engaged in creatively developing their learning. We have had children exploring Art History, colour, painting styles, water, boats, sculpture, factories, drama, film making, food, France and many other things. The children have worked collaboratively both within their class and across classes. The talking, thinking and learning that the children have been engaged in has been wonderful to see. We are sharing some of our work with each other tomorrow at 2pm you are very welcome to join us. We may all be a little squashed for this event but it should still be interesting.

The Rugby Team will be missing the sharing of work because they will be taking part in the County Finals – Good Luck to them and to the Girls Football team who will be playing on Friday Night.

We break up for half term on Friday. The PTA have organised a Popcorn sale for after school. Popcorn will be 50p or £1.

We come back to school on 3rd June all ready to get stuck into work and preparations for Joseph. Dinner money up to the summer is £68.40 (parents of Year 6 pupils remember to take off the days they are visiting their new schools).

That first week back is as busy as ever with a Pupil Parliament Meeting on Wednesday, Messy Church after school on Wednesday. A Premier Sports Day on Thursday – all children need their PE kits in school that day. Kite’s Assembly on Friday and a Girls Cricket Tournament on Friday.

One of our parents has let me know Manchester University Faculty of Life Sciences is holding a community open day on Saturday 6th July. It sounds fantastic with lab tours, live animals and insects, face painting, playing with DNA and building molecules from medicine. It sound like a great opportunity to look round part of a local university and find out more about what they do. If you would like more details about where it is just ask me.

Messy Church is on Wednesday 5th June in school 3.30 – 5.00. They are planning to make a giant collage of Joseph’s Coat, design thumb print family and friends have drinks and snacks and enjoy being together. If you would like to come along everyone is welcome. Children need to be accompanied by an adult.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16.05.2013



Dear Parents,

I have been very impressed with all the children this week. Assessment week is nobody’s idea of a really good time but all the children have approached it calmly and confidently. So well done to all of them.

Tomorrow 17th May the Peregrines will be leading our assembly, do join us if you can. There will be no family assembly next Friday 24th as we will be holding a celebration assembly in the afternoon. This is an opportunity to share some of the work the children have been doing as part of our Take One Picture week. Do join us at 2pm if you can. Unfortunately, unlike last year, I don’t think we will be sitting on the grass outside for it. Due to all the amazing different things we will be doing during the week the children will do lots of reading but may not be heard read individually. Their books will be changed though.

The Year 2s received some very exciting news this week, a film they made was entered into the Thank You Film Awards and has been shortlisted. They have been invited to attend an awards ceremony in Birmingham where they will see some of their film on the big screen! Well done to all of them.

Next week is the children’s favourite school meals week.
Monday: Salmon bites or Pizza
Tuesday: Sausages (meat and veggie) and Yorkshire
Wednesday: Roast Chicken Dinner or Vegetable Wrap
Thursday: Curry or Quorn Dippers
Friday: Fish Fingers or Tomato and Basil Pasta
As these dinners are so popular Mrs Howe, the school cook, has extended an invitation to the children on packed lunches to have a school dinner on any or all of the days next week. The cost for a dinner is £1.90 (£9.50) for the week. Please let the office know if your child would like a dinner.

We have almost finalised the classes for next year, I say almost because things could still change. Next year we will have seven classes
Reception: Mrs Hillier
Year 1: Mrs Morris & Mrs Littlehailes
Year 2: Mrs Clayton
Year 3: Mr Montgomery
Year 4: Ms Lee & Mrs McLaren
Year 5: Mrs Malkin
Year 6: Miss Byron
Mrs Gallacher will work across the school.

The staff will continue to work very closely together between classes so the children retain the benefits of working in mixed age groups.

Please can the Kestrels and Peregrines bring in a hat next week. I am not sure why but something exciting must be happening.

I look forward to seeing lots of you looking very relaxed at Pamper Night tomorrow.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 9.05.2013



Dear Parents,

All the sporting events are going well the girls enjoyed the football on Friday, and we are through to the county finals of the Tag Rugby – admittedly because only two teams wanted to take part in the High Peak but still a great experience for our children. They will be travelling down to Ilkeston on Friday 24th May. Letters will be coming out to the team soon.

The children who took part in the cluster singing event at St Mary’s yesterday had a great time and were a credit to you all.

Next week is assessment week brightened by a cross country event on Thursday 16th, the PTA Plant Sale pick up on Thursday 16th and Peregrines leading the assembly on Friday.

As if all of that was not enough it is pamper Night on Friday 17th. If you have not yet bought your ticket I would recommend doing so soon, last year it was a sell out event.

The week after, 20-24th May, is our Take One Picture Week. All the staff are looking forward to working with the children in a creative way. You are invited to join us for a celebration assembly on Friday 24th at 2pm to look at some of the work the children have done. There will be no morning assembly that day.

As the nicer weather seems to be beginning the Gardening Club are starting to see the fruits of their labours. The sensory garden is looking lovely with lots of wild flowers in amongst the grass. The new fence around it has made all the difference. Now the flowers are not being trampled they are able to flourish and grow. The children are now working on the willow structures, if any of you are skilled willow workers and able to help us with tidying the top of the two structures we would be very grateful. The children in gardening club would like to ask you to encourage your children to treat our field and grounds with as much respect before and after the school day as they are expected to do during the school day.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 02.05.2013



Dear Parents,

On last week’s newsletter a said there would no doubt be changes to the dates list well…. Kite’s Assembly is now on Friday 7th June not this Friday which will just be me! I missed Osprey’s Assembly off the list (well spotted by some eagle eyed parents) it will be on Friday 28th June. I am sorry about both changes and forgetfulness.

The summer sporting calendar is starting to get filled with Girls Football this week and both Cricket and Rugby next week and Cross Country on the 16th. We often do not hear about sporting events until quite close to the date but we will try to give participants parents as much time as possible. We have been trying to get as many pupils involved in cluster sporting activities as possible this year, selecting as many different people as possible to represent us. I am always so impressed with the good behaviour and good sportsmanship of our children when they attend cluster events. They encourage all their own team mates and recognise and applaud the work of other teams.

The PAS Africa Skills Day was enjoyed by all the children. Thank you so much for the support you gave to this event. If you have any outstanding sponsor money please can it be sent into school as soon as possible so we can pass it on to PAS.

Tickets for the PTA Pamper Night are going fast so if you would like to attend this very popular evening on Friday 17th May get your tickets soon.

I am sitting writing this looking at a lovely sunny spring morning, let’s hope it stays this nice for the Bank Holiday Weekend this weekend. The only down side to this lovely weather is lost jumpers. Please put your child’s name in their jumper so when they take it off and leave it somewhere we have some hope of reuniting jumper and owner.

Reception class are now getting changed for PE more so please can you send them in with pumps, shorts and a t-shirt.

The opportunities for budding thespians in Glossop are growing. I have been asked to pass on the information below about a new drama club. Judging by the delight shown when I tell the children we are doing drama it will be very popular.

Little Stars Play Theatre club for 4-6 year olds. Trial month in May..starts this Sat!! £15 for 4 Saturday morning sessions 10-11am at the Partington Theatre. A fun hour of games, team building, making friends, developing confidence and self esteem through drama, role play, storytelling and much more. To book a place call penny on 01457 852281

I hope all of you getting a long weekend enjoy it, and those that don’t survive it.

Alice Littlehailes

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