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Newsletter 13/10/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog.  There were some amazing distances run.  If your child took part you now need to collect the sponsor money and bring it into school as soon as possible.

Friday is the first Class Assembly of the academic year.  Year 5 will be leading it.  I will send out a code word on Friday morning to the parents of children in Y5. 

Next week is walk to school week.  This is the week when we encourage you to walk scoot or cycle to school.  If you cannot walk all the way please try to park further away from school and walk some of the way.

Next week is also the PTA disco on Thursday 20th October.  What a great way to celebrate the end of the half term.

There has been a lot of sickness this week.  Just a quick reminder that if your child has sickness or diarrhoea they need to stay off for 48 hours from the last incident.  This is to help stop the spread of it.

The PTA committee has been thinking about how to give people the experience to help them take over the named roles in the PTA and reduce the workload for each named role. They have come up with the idea of having shadows so for example there might be a shadow treasurer supporting the present treasurer and learning about what the job entails.  As we have already had the PTA AGM so cannot have this ratified there, we wanted to ask if anyone can see any problem with this idea and ask if there are any objections to it.  As members of the PTA you all have the right to raise any objections.  If we don’t hear from anyone by 1st November we will assume everyone is in favour of this constitutional change.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has asked me to let you know about a survey they are carrying out into crime and community safety.  The link to the survey is below:

I am attaching the PTA newsletter please do read it as it has more information about the Disco and how you can use Amazon Smile to raise funds for school.

I am also attaching a leaflet from the National Sleep Helpline which some of you might find helpful.

The children finish on Thursday 20th October for half term.  They restart on Monday 31st October.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06/10/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you all so much for supporting the wonderful sculpture and music park, what a wonderful way to end a week.  Thank you to all the musicians who performed, you were all amazing.  Even the horrible weather couldn’t dampen everyone’s enjoyment of this event.

It is the Glossop Jog on Sunday.  If you are taking part meet me at the Pikes Lane Playing Field about 10.30.  The children need to check in with me rather than at the main tent.  It starts at 11 and finishes at 12.  The weather is looking perfect.

Next week on Wednesday 12th October it is individual and family photo day.  We will organise individual and within school family photos during the morning.  If you would like a family picture including a pre-school child please come to the main entrance at 8.30 and the photographer will do them first.

The PTA disco is on Thursday 20th October 5-6.30.  The children need to start finding their dancing shoes and sparkles.

I have to mention a few things unsafe things that are creeping in to drop off and pick up time: 

  • Please stop your children from walking on the walls alongside the paths.
  • Parents are not allowed to park in the carpark. There are a few parents who have asked for and been granted permission e.g. whilst they had covid. As you can imagine if every parent tried to use the carpark there would be accidents.
  • Please follow the routes round school, they have been designed so the children do not need to cross the carpark.

I have noticed a number of children without book bags carrying school books home in the rain.  Doing this will damage the books.  Your child needs to have a book bag to carry their reading book in.

On Friday 14th October it is the Y4 Sleep Over.  Excitement is rising!


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes


St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is starting to feel properly autumnal now.  The children in Merlins have had lovely autumn weather for their residential at Whitehall.  They had a great time and were a credit to you.

Thank you all so much for your donations for Glossopdale Food Bank.  Your generosity will help members of our community who are struggling.

Thank you also for the bag 2 school donations.  Your old textiles raised £88 for school.

Friday is our annual sculpture park.  The children in class have made sculptures on the theme of ‘The Rhythm of Life’.  You are invited to look at all the sculptures with your children at the end of the school day.  This year we are making our park even better by incorporating some musicians to play for you and your children.  Looking at the weather forecast, wet and windy, we may well have to move the sculptures and music indoors.  Whether we are inside or out this should be a lovely event combining music and 3D art.  I hope you are able to support it by staying for a little while after school.

School is taking part in a Cyber Security Project this year with Derbyshire County Council.  As part of this they are offering everyone the chance to carry out their own cyber security MOT.  All you need to do is log onto It takes just a few moments and will give you useful advice on staying secure.

On the 6th of October the catering service are having a Big Breakfast Lunch.  The children across the county have been so disappointed that The Big Breakfast is not a regular option that they have agreed to offer it on that day.  If your child usually has packed lunch but would like to have a school dinner on Big Breakfast Day, just let the office know.

A parent has asked for your help.  Last term on 7th July at pick up time there was an accident outside school a van and the parent’s car scraped together with the van having to reverse to become disengaged from the car.  There is some dispute as to who was at fault.  If you witnessed this accident, please can you let the office know.

The Glossop Jog is nearly here.  It is on Sunday 9th October at Pikes Lane Sports Ground.  There is still time to sign up for this popular event.

I have noticed a number of children walking on the walls around school.  This is not safe and I would ask that you don’t let your children walk on them.

A reminder about holidays in term time. 

Holidays during term time are not something I can authorise, the rules state:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made. 

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 22/09/2022


Dear Parents,

Well this has been a funny old week with Monday making everything feel different.  I am not sure what day I am on.

Some of the children in Key Stage 2 went to a Rugby Megafest at Glossop Rugby Club.  They all enjoyed it.  Thank you to all the people that made it possible.

You should have received nomination papers for the post of parent governor.  If you did not receive them please let us know.

Tonight at 7pm Mrs Hillier is running a phonics workshop online for parents of children in Kestrels and Peregrines.

Tomorrow is the Harvest Festival.  We are collecting food for Glossop Food Bank.  If your child is able to bring in dried or tinned food it would be gratefully accepted.

On Monday the children in Year 6 go to Whitehall for their residential.

Wednesday 28th is our bags to school collection.  If you can bag up and bring old clothes, textiles and shoes it helps raise money for school.  You can use any bag.

Friday 30th is our sculpture park and music festival.  Next week the children will be making sculptures for you to see.  To entertain you as you visit our sculpture park some parents will be playing.  Please do stay with your children after school to enjoy this.

Glossop Jog is fast approaching.  It is on Sunday 9th October.  If your child would like to take part please let us know.

Emma (Cello Teacher) came into assembly yesterday she has spaces for y3-y6 children who  would like to learn to play, if anyone would like the details pop to the office.

The PTA meeting on Tuesday was well attended, thank you to everyone who came.  Everyone is a member of the PTA and your support of school is much appreciated.  There is a message from Chika Jones the new Chair of the PTA attached.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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