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Newsletter 23/06/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week has been RE week.  The children have enjoyed learning about different religions.  A Humanist came into school and talked about his beliefs as part of Humanist day.  The Year 4s had the chance to meet a friend of the school who is Muslim.  She did not have time to visit in person but she kindly talked to them online.

All the trips last week went so well.  The Harrier’s played well with the Halle. The rest of Key Stage Two had a good time at Musical Beasts.  Year 2 loved learning about the Great Fire of London at Staircase House.

The children in Y5&6 are performing in our summer production Sherlock & Cinders.  Parents of those children should get a letter about tickets today.

Remember on Friday 24th the Family Support Team are holding a coffee morning in the hall 10-11.  It would be great if lots of you could pop in and see them.

Tomorrow, Friday, Year 4 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  Next Friday 1st July Year 3 will be leading it.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

Next week is Parent Meeting Week.  If you haven’t made your appointment yet remember to go online and book it.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/06/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We were all so proud of the Eagles who performed magnificently at Buxton Opera House.  What an opportunity for them to sing on the Opera House Stage.

Next Wednesday we are holding an Open Afternoon from 1.30 where you can pop in and see your child’s classroom.  We want to keep the space as covid unfriendly as possible so if the room seems to have a lot of people in it please wait before going in.  We would also ask that you keep your visit to a reasonable length so others can also have chance to go in.

Due to the Open Afternoon there will be no cookery or recorder clubs after school on Wednesday.

Remember on Friday 24th the Family Support Team are holding a coffee morning in the hall 10-11.  It would be great if lots of you could pop in and see them.

Tomorrow, Friday, Year 1 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  Next Friday 24th June Year 4 will be leading it.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

On Thursday 21st July we are reinstating our summer concert.  This is a lovely event where the choir and any children who play a musical instrument perform.  Please keep it free in your diary.

Two more dates for your diary Friday 8th July it is the PTA summer Fair after school and on Tuesday 19th July it is the first PTA disco since the pandemic!

I need to remind you that holidays during term time are not something I can authorise, the rules state:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made. 

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09/06/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good break and enjoyed the 4-day weekend.  I also hope some of you were able to take advantage of the longer holiday than most and get a slightly cheaper holiday by going mid-week to mid-week.

Thank you to the PTA for organising the tea, cakes and raffle that formed part of the Jubilee celebrations at school.  Also thank you to everyone who helped do the clean-up at the end of the party.  A good time was had by all.

A huge thank you to everyone who was able to be part of the Glossop Victorian Weekend Parade.  The children looked amazing and everyone was so supportive of us as we walked through the town.  We were awarded the prize for the best group so well done to all of you.

Next week is a very busy week:

On Monday the Year 5s are out all day performing at a Care Home and Buxton Opera House.

On Tuesday it is High Peak Kids Council and Years 3,5&6 are meeting an author online.  This is in preparation for their visit to ‘Musical Beasts’ on Thursday.  This is taking place at St James’ Church.  They will walk there and back.

Also on Thursday Y4 are playing with The Halle.

On Friday Y2 are out on a trip all day to Staircase House.

Also on Friday Year 1 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 19/05/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you have been enjoying Walk to School Week I know a number of you have tried to leave your cars further from school or even walked the whole way.  The weather has helped.

The children have been loving our Take One Picture Week.  Their responses to the picture chosen by The National Gallery have been amazing.  I have seen 3D depictions of the picture, drama, music compositions, big art, animations, science experiments to name but a few.

The weather has been lovely this week.  Please remember to put sun cream on your child at the start of the day and send in a hat if the forecast is for a sunny day.  If you send in some sun cream in a named bottle your child can reapply their sun protection at lunchtime.

Next week on Tuesday 24th May Glossopdale staff are coming to talk to the children starting there in September.  They will also be available to talk to the parents of those children in the playground at the end of the day.

Thank you so much to everyone who has returned their sold raffle tickets.  They can go in the bucket (when I remember to bring it out with me!), given to me or handed in to the office if neither me nor the bucket are outside.  If you have run out of tickets there are spares in the office.  If you are still selling fantastic just remember they need to be in by the end of the day on Wednesday 25th May.

We are combining the pulling of the raffle with the school’s celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee next Friday 27th May.  During the day the children will be taking part in lots of Jubilee events.  Parents are invited to join the street (playground) party from 2.30pm.  On that day if the children would like to dress in red, white and blue they are very welcome to.

On Friday 27th May the children in Eagles are leading our collective worship (assembly).  Up to two people from each family are welcome to join us for this.  We ask that if possible any adults joining us wear face masks.  It starts at about 9.05 once we get all the children registered and into the hall.

We break up for half term on Friday 27th May and return on Thursday 9th June. 

Here are a couple of new dates for next half term.  We are hoping to hold our Sports Day on Tuesday 12th July at 9.15 am.  We are also planning to hold an open afternoon on Wednesday 22nd June from1.30pm when you can come in and see your children’s classroom and work, I know you have all missed the opportunity to do this. You are welcome to pop in at any point across that afternoon.  I would just ask that you are mindful of covid and not all being in the classrooms at the same time.

Simon Lodge our Brass Instrument teacher has some availability for new pupils.  If your child might be interested in learning a brass instrument see below:

To register your interest either email or follow this QR code. 


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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