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Term Dates Academic Year 2022-2023

Term Dates 22-23

Monday 5th September School starts

Wednesday 7th September New Reception Start

Thursday 20th October Children finish for half term

Monday 31st October Children back

Thursday 22nd December Children finish for Christmas

Monday 9th January children back

Friday 17th February Children finish for half term

Monday 27th February children back

Friday 31st March Children finish for Easter

Monday 17th April Children back

Friday 26th May children finish for half term

Wednesday 7th June Children back

Friday 21st July Children finish for the summer.

Newsletter 31/03/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe but March is over!  Where did it go? But at least that means we have survived the clocks changing and the weather should start to get better.

Next week, on Wednesday, the Eagles are off to Whitby to do their learning outside. The cricket club have very kindly agreed to the coach parking outside their carpark and to any parents parking in their carpark.  This should help the congestion at the start of the day as the coach is leaving at 8.45.  If your child is not going to Whitby and you can walk please will you, just to help even further.  On Friday the coach is due back at around 4pm so it can drop off at school.

There is no swimming next week it restarts on Thursday 28th April.

If your child is in Key Stage Two you should have had a letter about fruit.  If you would like your child to have fruit next term please return the letter as soon as possible.

On Thursday 7th April we are holding our Easter Service at 2pm.  As the number of cases of covid are rising nationally we are only going to invite the parents of Year Six to join us in church.  Year Six are leading the service which is why we are inviting their parents.  I am very sorry not to be able to invite you all, hopefully next year.

Thank you to the PTA and to everyone who supported the Scoot and Skate event, you all raised an amazing amount of £358.00 which is being donated to the appeal for Ukraine.

We finish for Easter on Friday 8th April and return to school on Monday 25th April.

I have been contacted by the makers of Bake Off who say: I am writing from a television production company called Love Productions, we are the makers of The Great British Bake Off and Junior Bake Off. We are making a brand-new programme for Channel 4 and are looking to find children to take part in a once in a lifetime wild camping adventure this summer. We are looking for children ages 9-11 from all areas of the country, from a range of backgrounds, abilities and ethnicities.

We are contacting schools across the country to invite the parents of children in years 4, 5 and 6 to put their family forward to take part in this adventure. The experience takes place this summer holiday in rural location in Britain.

The programme will explore what children are capable of in an outside, wild environment.

I am attaching their flyer.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24/03/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you all so much for supporting the Break 5 Rules Day.  We have so far raised an amazing £975 for the refugees from the war in Ukraine.  A fantastic effort.

As well as breaking rules the school have been busy watching the Opera.  The children in Key Stage Two enjoyed the performance by the English Touring Opera.  The children in Merlins went down to St Philip Howard Secondary School to a planetarium.  They thoroughly enjoyed it so thank you to St Philip Howard for this.

The children in Year 6 bravely took to the stage at Buxton Opera House to perform a dance as part of the dance festival.  I was so proud of all of them.  They performed brilliantly, behaved beautifully and grew as people.  Thank you for helping make it possible.  You should be very proud of them.

The scoot and skate was fun last night.  Thank you to the PTA for organising it and to all of you for supporting it.

Tonight we have a zoom meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby at 6pm.

Next Tuesday 29th March at 6pm we are holding a zoom meeting for the parents of children in Year 6 to talk about SATs.  There have been no tests for two years so we thought you might have some questions for Miss Byron and me.  We will send the zoom link out next week.

Ian Perks the guitar teacher has some spaces available.  If your child in Year 2 upwards is interested in learning the guitar please let the office know.

We are hoping to restart after school clubs when we come back from the Easter holiday.  I am attaching a form detailing the clubs.  If your child would like to attend a school led club please return the slip indicating which club.  All clubs will run until 4.30pm.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Clubs Letter 24/03/2022

Clubs Summer 22

Day Club Who Open to
Monday Gardening Y3-6
Monday Drama Y2-6
Monday Summer Sports R-Y6
Wednesday Recorders Y2-6
Wednesday Cookery Y3-6
Thursday Outdoor wild stuff R-Y2


My child …………………………………………………………………would like to attend the following clubs

Day Club Who Open to Tick if interested They will be picked up by
Monday Gardening Y3-6
Monday Drama Y2-6
Monday Summer Sports R-Y6
Wednesday Recorders Y2-6
Wednesday Cookery Y3-6
Thursday Outdoor wild stuff R-Y2

I understand that there are limits to the number of people that can attend and will wait for confirmation that they have a place.

Signed ……………………………………………………………


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