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Newsletter 10/02/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I am so proud of all the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys they were amazing at the theatre.  They watched, listened, applauded when it was the right thing to do.  I always watch the children rather than the show and they were all mesmerised by what they were seeing.  It was such a pleasure to share this experience with them.  We cannot underestimate the importance of the arts in all our lives.

Thursday 17th February is the last swim for Y6 and Y2 after half term Y5 and Y1 will be swimming.  You have received letters about this please return all slips as soon as possible.

This week is RE week.  The children across the school have been exploring religion and trying to answer big questions.  I listened to the children in Y5&6 discussing the importance of money and why some people say you shouldn’t worship it.  The children were able to articulate that it was important to have enough money to live on but that the pursuit of more can be damaging.

Next week is the last week before half term.  We break up on Friday 18th February and return to school on Monday 28th.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 03/02/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The number of covid cases is still high.  The symptoms in the children have ranged from 24hours of feeling unwell to a slight raised temperature, flu like symptoms to upset stomachs.  Please be vigilant and test your child if you think they may possibly have it.  Remember the best defence in primary aged children is lots of handwashing and catching and binning coughs and sneezes.

Next Tuesday the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are off to the ballet.  After lunch we are going to Buxton Opera House to see Pinocchio.  If you haven’t returned your child’s permission slip yet please do so as soon as possible we cannot take them without one.

Thursday 17th February is the last swim for Y6 and Y2 after half term Y5 and Y1 will be swimming.  You will receive letters about this please return all slips as soon as possible.

On Friday 18th February the Harriers are going to show off their clarinet skills in an online concert.  Keep 10am free for this.  We will send a link out nearer the time.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27/01/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The number of covid cases is increasing across school.  There are now cases in all but one of the classes.  The symptoms in the children have ranged from 24hours of feeling unwell to a slight raised temperature, flu like symptoms to upset stomachs.  Please be vigilant and test your child if you think they may possibly have it.  Remember the best defence in primary aged children is lots of handwashing and catching and binning coughs and sneezes.

This week the children in KS2 have enjoyed an online production by the Red Earth Company.  Their performance has sparked a lot of thinking and follow up work.  The children have enjoyed both the production and the work.

Talking of productions children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys brought home letters about a trip to the ballet if you have not yet returned your child’s slip please can you.  If the letter did not make it home or you have misplaced it, please ask and we will send you another.

Our change 4 life champions went to New Mills Leisure centre this week for their training.  I am looking forward to hearing their plans to help us all be a little bit healthier.

Our representatives on High Peak Kids Council, a pupil parliament for the schools in the PEGS cluster, tell me they are starting a campaign across the cluster about parking.  All the schools, I am told, reported that parking and traffic outside their school is a problem.  Watch this space for more information about how they want us adults to help solve this problem.

Our IVengers, our online safety ambassadors, are also gearing up to give us our challenges for this term.  They are doing some really good work around helping all the children stay safe online.

With so many children helping us all learn how to be happy, healthy and safe it feels as if the future is in good hands.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 20/01/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have been really lucky this week and been able to welcome a dancer from The Northern Ballet into school.  The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all had a class workshop with her.  They loved hearing about their new ballet based on Pinocchio and becoming dancers themselves.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog, we won the trophy for the school that raised the most money. An amazing achievement.

You will all have heard that the Covid rules are changing next week.  The planned changes will not affect school.  The isolation rules will still apply so if a child tests positive they need to isolate. If they have no temperature and test negative on a lateral flow on day 5 and day 6 they can return to school on day 6.  If they get 2 negative tests on 2 consecutive days after they can come back in.  After 10 days they can come in unless they have a temperature.  We have had relatively few cases here.  To help you we have been letting you know if there is a case in your child’s class.  As close contacts are now asked to test for 7 days we are letting the parents of older children who sit on a table with a child who has tested positive know so they can make a decision about daily tests.  I know this may feel a little arbitrary and children play outside together possibly getting close but there is much less risk of infection outside.  We will continue to keep this under review.  Thank you for all you are doing to keep all our community as safe and well as possible.

Some of the Year 5 & 6 children have been watching The Royal Institute Christmas Lectures at lunchtimes.  This year they have been all about viruses.  I watched them over Christmas and found them brilliant, so informative.  Interestingly so did an infectious diseases doctor I know who also was very impressed by them.  They are still on IPlayer if you want to find out more about how tests work, the way pandemics work or how viruses infect us and mutate.

January is often considered to be the hardest month of the year, dark and cold.  If you are struggling even a little bit remember we are here, sometimes all you need is a friendly chat.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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