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Newsletter 25/11/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Here we are getting towards the end of November this term is flying. The effect of covid is growing with a number of local schools managing large outbreaks. This reminds me that we all still need to be vigilant and follow all the preventative measures such as hand washing, adults wearing masks in crowded places, our one-way system and ventilation. It is so easy to forget and think that everything is ok, I have to keep reminding myself.

Talking of the one-way system it has been set up to minimise the children walking across the car park. Recently on the way into school children have been coming in through the vehicle gate and walking across the car park rather than using the pedestrian gates and the path. This is dangerous, earlier this week there was a near miss only prevented by the quick reflexes of another parent. The children must use the path. I know pre-schoolers end up walking on a little bit of the carpark but I have kept this to a minimum and they are under the close supervision of an adult.

Tomorrow is non-uniform day for contributions to the Christmas fair. Key Stage 1 are asked to bring in chocolates for the chocolate tombola and Key Stage 2 gifts for the wrap stall. Attached to this email is an order form for a mug with houses designed by all the children in school, please get your orders in as soon as possible so they can be ready for the fair.

Year 4 have got an exciting day because as well as non-uniform they have got the Year Four Sleep Over.

As we are nearly in December I hope it might be safe to think about Christmas activities, though these are all covid dependent of course. On the last day of term, 22nd December, we are planning have a carol service in church but I am sorry I am not able to invite parents to this, I am hoping we will be able to live stream it as we did the leavers service last year. We will also have our Christmas dinner that day. Each class will have a party Year 3 & 4 will have theirs on Friday 17th, Years 5 & 6 on Monday 20th and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on Tuesday 21st.

In recent years we have tried to be more environmentally friendly and reduce the number of Christmas Cards sent so lots of children have written one card to the whole class rather than send everyone a card. Some children have even made their own recycled card. I know some parents have then donated the money they would have spent on cards for everyone to a charity of their choice.

I am getting concerned about the number of children coming late to school. The children have to be in school in their seats ready to learn by 9am. Please try to have your child to school by 8.50 as this gives a little bit of wriggle room if the morning is going badly.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 18/11/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thursday has come round fast! The children have had a good week in school with plenty of hard work being done. It is national anti-bullying week so we have been exploring what bullying is and what we can do about it. The theme nationally is Kindness so we have been talking about how we can be kind to each other. We are all, me included trying to be just a little bit kinder I hope you can join us in this attempt. Not that I am saying you are not kind, just that it we can all always spread a little bit more kindness.

Next week we have a non-uniform day and Year 4 sleep over to look forward to on Friday 26th November.

We are going to have our school Christmas Dinner on the last day of term 22nd December and generally just about everyone joins in and has a school dinner on that day even if they usually have a packed lunch. If you don’t want your child to have a school dinner that day please can you let the office know, thank you.

There are about 8 children who have not yet returned their sponsor money for the Glossop Jog please can this come in.

The Outdoor Christmas Fair is getting closer here is a message from the PTA:

We hope you’ve all marked your calendars for the Christmas Fair on Friday the 3rd of December! Thank you all who have donated books for our book stall, we will be accepting these up until the day of the Fair! We are also looking forward to seeing what types of gifts we receive next week at our non-uniform day on Friday the 26th!

We have lots of fun games and activities planned and we know the kids will have a great time! We need lots of happy helpers before the event to set up, during the event to help run the stalls (these will be done in pairs so everyone gets a chance to enjoy themselves) and of course tidying up. And very importantly, we are in desperate need of the big jolly man himself! Unfortunately our previous stand bys are not available for that date so if you know someone that could step into these big shoes, please do let us know!!


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11/11/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week I wanted to start by checking in with you. How are you? I know through the worst of the pandemic I sent out lots of messages to offer you support but I haven’t done so recently for which I am sorry. As I have been talking to other Headteachers I have realised we are picking up that many people in our communities are struggling, not struggling badly but not feeling themselves. The things we are picking up on are that people are feeling weary, are finding themselves getting angry more easily and about things they normally wouldn’t get cross about, are sometimes tearful when they usually wouldn’t be, are low on energy, someone described it as their get up and go had got up and gone. If you are feeling any of these things be reassured you are not alone and these feelings are a natural reaction to the pandemic. I was on some training this week with a psychiatrist who has been doing research into happiness by looking at happy people and trying to find out the secret to being happy most of the time. He gave a few pointers;

  • Be your own friend – say kind things to yourself rather than telling yourself you are doing a bad job.
  • Treat every moment as the moment – this means instead of thinking of life as routine try to view each time you do something as the only time you are doing it.
  • Find a moment every day to think of something you feel grateful for.
  • Of course eat well, exercise and try to sleep well.

If any of this helps you I am very pleased. If you reach the point where you just need to tell someone how you are feeling please give me a ring. And please try to be kind to others, we all need a little kindness.

Remember next week on Tuesday 16th it is flu immunisation day, I hope you have all registered your children.

The Year 4 sleep over is coming up on Friday 26th November if you haven’t returned your child’s permission slip yet please do so as soon as possible.

A few children in Y5 haven’t returned their permission slips for Whitby, please can they be sent in.

On Friday 3rd of December the PTA are organising a winter event in the playground, a Christmas Fair outside (weather permitting). If you would like to help please let a member of the PTA executive committee or the office know. On Friday 26th November we will be having a non-uniform day for donations for the fair. Please see the attached flyer about this.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04/11/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good half term week. It has been lovely to welcome the children back into school.

This week the Year 6 pupils have been at Whitehall near Buxton on residential. They have had an amazing time. They have challenged themselves, surprised themselves with what they can do and grown as young people. We are proud of all of them.

We have also been celebrating Parliament Week. We have been learning about the role of parliament, having debates and thinking about how we can make our voices heard. On Monday we were fortunate enough to welcome Robert Largan our MP into school. He came in and answered all the children’s questions about what it is like to be an MP. He was impressed with the quality of the children’s questions.

The deadline for sending in photograph money to school is 9am Monday 8th November. I know a number of you have ordered photos online but if you want to order via school they are being picked up on Monday morning.

We are still waiting for some Glossop Jog money to come in. If you haven’t yet sent in the money your child raised, please do so as soon as possible.

We are sending books home tonight for one night only, please see the attached letter.

You should have received an email letting you know about Poppies and other Royal British Legion items. If your child wants to bring in money for these things we will come round to the classes for them to save lots of people coming to the office.

Please can I remind the parents of children in Years 5&6 to wait in the playground, beyond the traversing wall, at pick up time so we don’t have a bottleneck with people having to get too close to each other. Thank you.

Blyth House Hospice has sent me the information below which some of you might be interested in.

On Wednesday 10th November we will be running a Community Hub Open Day. We are offering all members of our community the opportunity to learn more about the services that are available, find out information about supporting the work we do, and see the renovated facilities here at Blythe House Hospice.

The Open Day runs from 10am-4pm and will include:

  • The opportunity to meet our teams including nurses and therapists
  • Full information about the services that we provide.
  • Advice & support from our Children & Young Peoples Counsellor about how to handle difficult conversations about death & dying
  • Information about all of our volunteering opportunities
  • Drop in sessions on managing Breathlessness, Fatigue & Anxiety
  • A children’s craft activity with a focus on coping with bereavement
  • Complementary Therapy taster sessions
  • A chance to see the refurbished building

Activities and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

We would like to welcome all members of our community the The Hub on the day. We do encourage visitors to book via email: or telephone 01298 875 080.

To minimise any disruption to our neighbours on Eccles Fold, we will be facilitating a Park & Ride from Chapel-en-le-Frith Golf Club throughout the day.

For everyone’s safety we are still recommending the use of face masks whilst inside the hospice. Masks and hand sanitiser will be available on the day.

Second Event Family Workshop Nov 20th 10-12pm

We invite children & young people under the age of 18, who have experienced the death of a loved one, to join us to create a beautiful tea light holder and remember the special person that has died.

Facilitated by our Children & Young Peoples Counsellor, this workshop is an opportunity to meet with others who have experienced loss and to remember your loved one in a safe and creative space.

Parents / Carers are responsible for their child throughout the event.

Places are limited, book now by emailing or call 01298 875 080.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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